
This repo summarizes the courses and materials for speech signal processing. You are kindly invited to pull requests.

Speech Signal Processing Tutorial

This repo summarizes the courses and materials for speech signal processing. You are kindly invited to pull requests.

Table of Contents



  • [AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION (ASR), The univeristy of Edinburgh, 2019] [Course]

  • [Digital Speech Processing, Linshan Li, 2019] [Course] [Video (BiliBili)]

  • [Fundamentals of Speech Signal Processing, USTC, 2019] [Course]

  • [Deep Learning for Human Language Processing, Hongyi Li, 2020] [Course]

  • [Speech Recognition Systems, Microsoft] [Course]

  • [Spoken Language Processing, Stanford CS224S, 2020] [Course]

  • [Statistical Natural Language Processing, UC Berkeley (CS 288), 2014] [Course]

  • [Speech Recognition (EECS E6870), Columbia University, 2016] [Course] [Homework (Chao Yang)] [Homework (Kaituo Xu)]

  • [Speech.Zone (Courses List)] [Course]

  • [Automatic Speech Recognition (Chinese), Lei Xie et al, 2019] [Course]

  • [Speech Technology: Frontiers and Applications (Chinese), Xiangang Li et al, 2019] [Course]

  • [Speech Processing, CMU, 2011] [Course]


  • [Handbook of Speech Processing, Springer] [Book (PWD:rrzc)]

  • [Speech and Language Processing, Daniel Jurafsky, 2017] [Book (Ed3)] [Book (Ed2)]

  • [解析深度学习:语音识别实践, Dong Yu] [Book]

  • [语音信号处理, 赵力, 2003] [Book]

  • [实用语音识别基础, 王炳锡, 2005] [Book]

  • [Kaldi Tutorial] [Book]

  • [Speech Book, CSTL Lab of Tsinghua University] [Book]

  • [Kaidi: Speech Recognition Practice (Chinese), Guoguo Chen] [Book]

  • [Tool Books] [AWK] [Shell]


  • [CSLT Technical Reports, CSTL Lab of Tsinghua University] [Link]

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