
Automated mirror of https://gitlab.com/thelabnyc/django-logpipe

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Django LogPipe

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This library serves as a universal pipe for moving data around between Django applications and services. It is build on top of Boto3, Apache Kafka, kafka-python, and Django REST Framework.


Install django-logpipe from pip.

$ pip install django-logpipe

Add logpipe to your installed apps.


Add connection settings to your settings.py file. If you're using Kafka, this will look like this:

    # Required Settings
    'OFFSET_BACKEND': 'logpipe.backend.kafka.ModelOffsetStore',
    'CONSUMER_BACKEND': 'logpipe.backend.kafka.Consumer',
    'PRODUCER_BACKEND': 'logpipe.backend.kafka.Producer',
        'group_id': 'django-logpipe',

    # Optional Settings
    # 'MIN_MESSAGE_LAG_MS': 0,
    # 'DEFAULT_FORMAT': 'json',

If you're using AWS Kinesis instead of Kafka, it will look like this:

    # Required Settings
    'OFFSET_BACKEND': 'logpipe.backend.kinesis.ModelOffsetStore',
    'CONSUMER_BACKEND': 'logpipe.backend.kinesis.Consumer',
    'PRODUCER_BACKEND': 'logpipe.backend.kinesis.Producer',

    # Optional Settings
    # 'KINESIS_REGION': 'us-east-1',
    # 'MIN_MESSAGE_LAG_MS': 0,
    # 'DEFAULT_FORMAT': 'json',

Run migrations. This will create the model used to store Kafka log position offsets.:

$ python manage.py migrate logpipe



The first step in either sending or receiving messages with logpipe is to define a serializer. Serializers for logpipe have a few rules:

1. Must be either a subclass of rest_framework.serializers.Serializer or a class implementing an interface that mimics rest_framework.serializers.Serializer. 1. Must have a MESSAGE_TYPE attribute defined on the class. The value should be a string that defines uniquely defines the data-type within it's Topic / Stream. 2. Must have a VERSION attribute defined on the class. The value should be a monotonic integer representing the schema version number. 3. Must have a KEY_FIELD attribute defined on the class, representing the name of the field to use as the message key. The message key is used by Kafka when performing log compaction and by Kinesis as the shard partition key. The property can be omitted for topics which do not require a key. 4. If the serializer will be used for incoming-messages, it should implement class method lookup_instance(cls, **kwargs). This class method will be called with message data as keyword arguments directly before instantiating the serializer. It should lookup and return the related object (if one exists) so that it can be passed to the serializer's instance argument during initialization. If no object exists yet (the message is representing a new object), it should return None.

Below is a sample Django model and it's accompanying serializer.

from django.db import models
from rest_framework import serializers
import uuid

class Person(models.Model):
    uuid = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, unique=True)
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)

class PersonSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    MESSAGE_TYPE = 'person'
    VERSION = 1
    KEY_FIELD = 'uuid'

    class Meta:
        model = Person
        fields = ['uuid', 'first_name', 'last_name']

    def lookup_instance(cls, uuid, **kwargs):
            return Person.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
        except models.Person.DoesNotExist:

Sending Messages

Once a serializer exists, you can send a message to Kafka by creating Producer object and calling the send method.

from logpipe import Producer
joe = Person.objects.create(first_name='Joe', last_name='Schmoe')
producer = Producer('people', PersonSerializer)

The above sample code would result in the following message being sent to the Kafka topic named people.


Receiving Messages

To processing incoming messages, we can reuse the same model and serializer. We just need to instantiate a Consumer object.

# Watch for messages, but timeout after 1000ms of no messages
consumer = Consumer('people', consumer_timeout_ms=1000)

# Watch for messages and block forever
consumer = Consumer('people')

The consumer object uses Django REST Framework's built-in save, create, and update methods to apply the message. If your messages aren't tied directly to a Django model, skip defining the lookup_instance class method and override the save method to house your custom import logic.

If you have multiple data-types in a single topic or stream, you can consume them all by registering multiple serializers with the consumer.

consumer = Consumer('people')

You can also support multiple incompatible version of message types by defining a serializer for each message type version and registering them all with the consumer.

consumer = Consumer('people')

If you have multiple streams or topics to watch, make a consumers for each, and watch them all simultaneously in the same process by using a MultiConsumer.

from logpipe import MultiConsumer
people_consumer = Consumer('people')
places_consumer = Consumer('places')
multi = MultiConsumer(people_consumer, places_consumer)

# Watch for 'people' and 'places' topics indefinitely

Finally, consumers can be registered and run automatically by the build in run_kafka_consumer management command.

# myapp/apps.py
from django.apps import AppConfig
from logpipe import Consumer, register_consumer

class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'myapp'

# Register consumers with logpipe
def build_person_consumer():
    consumer = Consumer('people')
    return consumer

Use the register_consumer decorator to register as many consumers and topics as you need to work with. Then, run the run_kafka_consumer command to process messages for all consumers automatically in a round-robin fashion.

$ python manage.py run_kafka_consumer

Dealing with Schema Changes

Schema changes are handled using the VERSION attribute required on every serializer class. When sending, a producer includes the schema version number in the message data. Then, when a consumer receives a message, it looks for a register serializer with a matching version number. If no serializer is found with a matching version number, a logpipe.exceptions.UnknownMessageVersionError exception is raised.

To perform a backwards-incompatible schema change, the following steps should be performed.

  1. Update consumer code to have knowledge of the new schema version.
  2. Update producer code to being sending the new schema version.
  3. After some amount of time (when you are sure no old-version messages still exist in Kafka), remove the code related to the old schema version.

For example, if we wanted to require an email field on the Person model we defined above, the first step would be to update consumers to know about the new field.:

class Person(models.Model):
    uuid = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, unique=True)
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    email = models.EmailField(max_length=200, null=True)

class PersonSerializerV1(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    MESSAGE_TYPE = 'person'
    VERSION = 1
    KEY_FIELD = 'uuid'
    class Meta:
        model = Person
        fields = ['uuid', 'first_name', 'last_name']

class PersonSerializerV2(PersonSerializerV1):
    MESSAGE_TYPE = 'person'
    VERSION = 2
    class Meta(PersonSerializerV1.META):
        fields = ['uuid', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email']

consumer = Consumer('people', consumer_timeout_ms=1000)

The consumers will now use the appropriate serializer for the message version. Second, we need to update producer code to being using schema version 2.:

producer = Producer('people', PersonSerializerV2)

Finally, after all the old version 1 messages have been dropped (by log compaction), the PersonSerializerV1 class can be removed form the code base.



  • No changes.


  • Fix compatibility issue with Django 3.0


  • Internationalization


  • In KinesisOffset model, track the AWS region for a stream. This allows a single database to subscribe to multiple streams in different regions, even it they have the same name.
  • Improved logic for detecting the current AWS region.
  • Add Django 2.1 to tox test suite.
  • Add support for Python 3.7.
  • Add support for python-kafka 1.4.4.


  • More robustly handle exceptions thrown by a consumer serializer's save() method.
  • Improve log messages and levels for invalid or unknown messages.
  • Add new method: logpipe.Consumer.add_ignored_message_type, which allows the consumer to explicitly ignore specific message types silently. This helps to filter log noise (messages that a consumer really doesn't care about) from actual errors (messages a consumer is skipping, but should be processing).


  • Added concept of message types.
  • Added support for AWS Kinesis.


  • Initial release.