
nngs(No Name Go Server) for Computer Go tournament, UEC Cup

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

NNGS for UEC cup

This is modified nngs(No Name Go Server) for Computer Go tournament, UEC Cup.
Based on nngs-1.1.22.


For Japanese rule, 3 kos.
adminmatch command. (Scince AI-Ryusei 2017)
Restart game(admin can use load command.)
Some bug fixed. 64 bit support.

GTP Client

Linux, Windows
Ruby script to connnect nngs is on gtp_client.
For Windows10, CgfGoban is also available to connect nngs.

How to install nngs for uec cup

$ git clone https://github.com/yssaya/nngs_uec
$ cd nngs_uec
$ chmod 777 ./configure
$ ./configure -prefix=/home/name/go/cgf2021/
$ cd mlrate/src
$ make
$ cd ../../
$ make
$ make install

$ cd ~/go/cgf2021/share/nngssrv/lists
$ cp admin.default admin

$ cd ~/go/cgf2021
$ bin/nngssrv

$ telnet localhost 9696
login admin. cgf2021/share/nngssrv/players/a/admin  is made.
Stop nngssrv(or run "shutdown now" by admin)
$ kill -9 xxxx

Change admin password
$ cd /home/name/go/cgf2021/share/nngssrv/players/a
$ nano admin
Password: admin

Add this one line after Fullname. And restart nngs.
Then you can login as admin with password "admin".

Some useful admin commands

force user logout
># nuke test1
login players
># who
unfinished game for test1 (test1 has to be logged in)
># stored test1

Start new game test1 as black

># adminmatch test1 test2 b 19 30 0

test1 as white

># adminmatch test1 test2 w 19 30 0

Ruby script does not require a black or white setting; CgfGoban does.

Restart game

1. ruby nngsCUI.rb   (login test1)
2. ruby nngsCUI.rb   (login hoge2)
3. login admin       (telnet localhost 9696)
4. #> adminmatch test1 hoge2 b 19 30 0
5. ctrl+c on test1   (after 5th moves)
6. ctrl+c on hoge2   (stop opponent too)
7. ruby nngsCUI.rb   (login test1)
8. ruby nngsCUI.rb   (login hoge2. need to re-login both player)
9. #> load hoge2-test1   (admin. sometimes have to wait 30 second?)

Restart any game record. (hoge2(white) vs test1(black))

1. Copy an unfinished game from share/nngssrv/games/*/* to

2. Edit hoge2-test1, left time and SGF
  Left Time is (W_Time: 12897 means White left time is 1289.7 sec.)

  W_Time: 12897
  B_Time: 17196

  SGF, replace this part


3. Copy  (If test2-test game, this is not necessary.)

4. restart game(hoge2 and tes1 must login).
  #> load hoge2-test1

Contributors In Historical Order

Nobusuke Sasaki
Nobuo Araki
Remi Coulom
Hiroshi Yamashita