Shyr Repository

This repository is for me to finally have a version control system for the Shyr Wines website.


  1. Modify webpage, make sure it works
  2. Git commit and push
  3. Upload modified files to iPage using git ftp push


Site Pages
  • about.php
  • all-wines.php
  • cart.php
  • contact-us.php
  • index.php
  • privacy-policy.php
  • terms-of-service.php
  • view.php
Error Pages
  • notfound.php
In Progress
  • events.php
  • db.php - Sign into MySQL database
  • nav.php - Header information and navigation bar
  • footer.php - Footer of page and social media scripts
  • autocomplete.php - Autocomplete script for search bar
  • cart-items.php - Generate HTML for cart items
  • update-cart.php - Update cart and send order email
  • opensearch.xml - Google Chrome tab-search functionality