
Random console application to mess around with your terminals.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Yomsole App

A demo implementation of some console application (written in C#), primarily aiming to function as an assistive accompaniment for common terminal activities.

For complex implementations, you should best use a command-line parser (which does all the heavy-lifting for you), like NDesk.Options or Command Line Parser.

Add yom.exe to your PATH for convenient command line access in Windows. Alternatively, yomsole.exe is also directly executable for basic commands.

Commands Description
-v, --version Displays application version.
base64 (-m|--mode)[=<n> <value>] Converts text to its base-64 string representation,
where n is either encode or decode.
today [DateTime pattern] Displays today's date and time.
translate-color <colorHex> Converts Hex to RGB color structure.
uptime Displays time elapsed since last Windows (re)boot.
shutdown <minsUntilShutdown>
shutdown (-a|--abort)
Schedules a shutdown operation or cancels active schedule.

Example call:

yom shutdown 15

Main features

  • Base64 converter
  • Quick color converter
  • Time elapsed since last system (re)boot
  • Today's date and time
  • Windows shutdown scheduler
  • and more to come...


  • Implement further viewing of "system boot time" in event viewer. Passing the following Event Log XML query when used in conjunction with the /f switch.
      <Query Id="0" Path="System">
        <Select Path="System">*[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon'] and (EventID=7001) and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= 43200000]]]</Select>
  • Support direct CLI executions for shutdown scheduler operation.

Inspired by

  • Windows Command Prompt and PowerShell
  • Git Bash
