Introduction to Programming

Books: Starting out with C++: From control structures through objects, 8th Ed.

Week 1 Intro to Programming Ch. 1 Intro to C++ Ch. 2

Week 2 Console Input / Output Operations Ch. 1 Variables in C++ Ch. 2 Arithmetic Operations Ch. 3

Week 3 Control Structures Ch. 3 Decision making (if, if/else, switch) Ch. 4 Looping (while, do while, for)

Week 4 Functions Ch. 6 Pointers Ch. 12 References

Week 5 Arrays Numerical arrays Ch. 7 C-strings Ch. 10

Week 6 Structures Ch. 11 File input / output

Week 8 Client / Server

Week 9 Intro to Classes Ch. 13

Week 10 More about C++ classes Ch. 13, 14

Week 11 Inheritance Ch. 15

Week 12 Polymorphism Ch. 15 Virtual Functions


  1. Identify the differences between C++ basic data types, select types appropriate to a purpose and select correct and appropriate C++ identifier names

  2. Construct and use functions. Write correct function prototypes, definitions, and calls to the functions. Select the appropriate method to pass values or references. Differentiate between void and valued functions. Identify the scope of automatic, static and global variables.

  3. Use correctly input/output methods for different data types and formats.

  4. Properly use of if, if…else and switch decision making operators as well as select the appropriate type and implement the looping mechanisms for, while, and do…while.

  5. Declare, initialize, and manipulate one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays. Use arrays as function parameters.

  6. Use object oriented programming to write programs in C++.

  7. Employ advanced programming procedures based on inheritance and polymorphism.

  8. Apply overloading techniques to increase the performances of existing methods and classes.