====================================================================== RTComponent: Mapper_gmapping specificatioin OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0 Date: $Date$ This file is generated by rtc-template with the following argments. # rtc-template -bcxx --module-name=Mapper_gmapping # --module-desc='Mapper RTC using gmapping' --module-version=1.0.0 --module-vendor=ssr # --module-category=Navigation --module-comp-type=STATIC # --module-act-type=EVENTDRIVEN --module-max-inst=1 # --config=debug:int:0 --config=start_map_update_in_activated:string:false --config=x_min:double:-10.0 --config=x_max:double:10.0 --config=y_min:double:-10.0 --config=y_max:double:10.0 --config=resolution:double:0.05 --config=init_pose_x:double:0.0 --config=init_pose_y:double:0.0 --config=init_pose_th:double:0.0 --config=log_dir:string:log_out --config=log_enable:string:log_enable # --inport=range:RTC::RangeData --inport=odometry:RTC::TimedPose2D --outport=estimatedPose:RTC::TimedPose2D # --service-idl=/Users/ysuga/rtm/idl/MobileRobot.idl # --service=gridMapper:OGMapper:RTC::OGMapper ====================================================================== Basic Information ====================================================================== # <rtc-template block="module"> Module Name: Mapper_gmapping Description: Mapper RTC using gmapping Version: 1.0.0 Vendor: ssr Category: Navigation Kind: DataFlowComponent Comp. Type: STATIC Act. Type: EVENTDRIVEN MAX Inst.: 1 Lang: C++ Lang Type: # </rtc-template> ====================================================================== Activity definition ====================================================================== [on_initialize] implemented [on_finalize] [on_startup] [on_shutdown] [on_activated] implemented [on_deactivated] implemented [on_execute] implemented [on_aborting] [on_error] [on_reset] implemented [on_state_update] [on_rate_changed] ====================================================================== InPorts definition ====================================================================== # <rtc-template block="inport"> Name: range PortNumber: 0 Description: PortType: DataType: RTC::RangeData MaxOut: [Data Elements] Name: Type: Number: Semantics: Unit: Frequency: Operation Cycle: RangeLow: RangeHigh: DefaultValue: Name: odometry PortNumber: 1 Description: PortType: DataType: RTC::TimedPose2D MaxOut: [Data Elements] Name: Type: Number: Semantics: Unit: Frequency: Operation Cycle: RangeLow: RangeHigh: DefaultValue: # </rtc-template> ====================================================================== OutPorts definition ====================================================================== # <rtc-template block="outport"> Name: estimatedPose PortNumber: 0 Description: PortType: DataType: RTC::TimedPose2D MaxOut: [Data Elements] Name: Type: Number: Semantics: Unit: Frequency: Operation Cycle: RangeLow: RangeHigh: DefaultValue: # </rtc-template> ====================================================================== Service Port definition ====================================================================== # <rtc-template block="serviceport"> PortName: gridMapper Description: Interface: [Service Provider Interfaces] Name: OGMapper Type: RTC::OGMapper Description: Argument: Return Value: Exception: PreCondition: PostCondition: # </rtc-template> ====================================================================== Configuration definition ====================================================================== # <rtc-template block="configuration"> Configuration: Name: debug Description: Type: int DefaultValue: 0 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: sigma sigma Description: The sigma used by the greedy endpoint matching Type: float DefaultValue: 0.05 0.05 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: kernelSize kernelSize Description: The kernel in which to look for a correspondence Type: int DefaultValue: 1 1 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: lstep lstep Description: The optimization step in translation Type: float DefaultValue: 0.05 0.05 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: astep astep Description: The optimization step in rotation Type: float DefaultValue: 0.05 0.05 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: iterations iterations Description: The number of iterations of the scanmatcher Type: int DefaultValue: 1 5 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: lsigma lsigma Description: The sigma of a beam used for likelihood computation Type: float DefaultValue: 0.075 0.075 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: ogain ogain Description: Gain to be used while evaluating the likelihood, for smoothing the resampling effects Type: float DefaultValue: 3.0 3.0 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: lskip lskip Description: Number of beams to skip in each scan. Type: int DefaultValue: 0 0 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: minimumScore minimumScore Description: Minimum score for considering the outcome of the scan matching good. Can avoid jumping pose estimates in large open spaces when using laser scanners with limited range (e.g. 5m). Scores go up to 600+, try 50 for example when experiencing jumping estimate issues. Type: float DefaultValue: 0.0 0.0 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: srr srr Description: Odometry error in translation as a function of translation (rho/rho) Type: float DefaultValue: 0.1 0.1 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: srt srt Description: Odometry error in translation as a function of rotation (rho/theta) Type: float DefaultValue: 0.2 0.2 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: str str Description: Odometry error in rotation as a function of translation (theta/rho) Type: float DefaultValue: 0.1 0.1 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: stt stt Description: Odometry error in rotation as a function of rotation (theta/theta) Type: float DefaultValue: 0.05 0.05 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: linearUpdate linearUpdate Description: Process a scan each time the robot translates this far Type: float DefaultValue: 1.0 1.0 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: angularUpdate angularUpdate Description: Process a scan each time the robot rotates this far Type: float DefaultValue: 0.5 0.5 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: temporalUpdate temporalUpdate Description: Process a scan if the last scan proccessed is older than the update time in seconds. A value less than zero will turn time based updates off. Type: float DefaultValue: -1.0 -1.0 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: resampleThreshold resampleThreshold Description: The Neff based resampling threshold Type: float DefaultValue: 0.5 0.5 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: particles particles Description: Number of particles in the filter Type: int DefaultValue: 30 30 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: xmin xmin Description: Initial map size Type: float DefaultValue: -100 -100 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: ymin ymin Description: Initial map size Type: float DefaultValue: -100 -100 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: xmax xmax Description: Initial map size Type: float DefaultValue: 100 100 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: ymax ymax Description: Initial map size Type: float DefaultValue: 100 100 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: delta delta Description: Processing parameters (resolution of the map) Type: float DefaultValue: 0.05 0.05 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: llsamplerange llsamplerange Description: Translational sampling range for the likelihood Type: float DefaultValue: 0.01 0.01 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: llsamplestep llsamplestep Description: Translational sampling step for the likelihood Type: float DefaultValue: 0.01 0.01 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: lasamplerange lasamplerange Description: Angular sampling range for the likelihood Type: float DefaultValue: 0.005 0.005 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: lasamplestep lasamplestep Description: Angular sampling step for the likelihood Type: float DefaultValue: 0.005 0.005 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: transform_publish_period transform_publish_period Description: How long (in seconds) between transform publications. Type: float DefaultValue: 0.05 0.05 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: occ_thresh occ_thresh Description: Threshold on gmapping's occupancy values. Cells with greater occupancy are considered occupied (i.e., set to 100 in the resulting sensor_msgs/LaserScan). Type: float DefaultValue: 0.25 0.25 Unit: Range: Constraint: Name: throttle_scans throttle_scans Description: throttle_scans Type: int DefaultValue: 1 1 Unit: Range: Constraint: # </rtc-template> This software is developed at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Approval number H23PRO-????. This software is licensed under the Lesser General Public License. See COPYING.LESSER. This area is reserved for future OpenRTM.