# This is a template package for wasanbon_repository # # author: ysuga (Yuki Suga, Sugar Sweet Robotics, Co. Ltd.) # email: ysuga@sugarsweetrobotics.com # # This is used with wasanbon framework for RT-middleware project. # RTM: http://openrtm.org # Sugar Sweet Robotics: http://sugarsweetrobotics.com # wasanbon: http://wasanbon.org # # You can add your RTC and Packages in rtcs and package directory. # You can find examples.yaml file that is the repository description. # You can also change the file name, and add your own repository file in the directory. # You CAN NOT change the directory name both rtcs and packages. # In exmaples.yaml, you can find out how to describe the repository. # Please check it. # If you had any questions, please contact ysuga.