
Handy Git Hooks Template

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My Handy Custom Git Hooks Template. I've also written a tiny blog for Git Hooks focusing on the specific samples I've uploaded here. You can check this tiny blog from here.

Who is this template for?

Anybody who likes to utilize handy automation constructs provided by Git to automate some additional checks and running errands before applying a certain git command.

What does it do?

Currently there are only two custom git hooks but I can enrich later if I happen to use any other git hook for a super useful requirement.

This custom template currently has a generic task and task queue structure implementation in itself. Using the structure here, any pre-push task can be converted to a task implementation just by adding a new bash function and then can be used in any custom task queue in any order.

You can also check this sample pre-push hook for a mono repository that has both backend (with Go) and frontend codes for more insight. Tasks defined in this sample hook are:

  • check_basename Checks whether working directory is set correctly by Git, Common Task.
  • check_upstream Checks whether current HEAD is behind upstream or not, for any push to go through, the local HEAD should be ahead of the upstream branch, Common Task.
  • auto_generate_backend_mocks Checks the files that has committed changes since last push, if detects interfaces with an existing mock and has changes, regenerates the mock interfaces for them, Backend Task.
  • run_tests Runs all implemented tests of the backend repository
  • commit_backend_mock_changes Commits all the regenerated mock interfaces (if any), Backend Task.
  • run_cypress_tests Runs all cypress tests defined in frontend repository

This custom template currently handles minor errands that can be important before applying each commit.

You can also check this sample pre-commit hook. Currently it only formats (gofmt) files before committing.

How to Enable the hooks

The default path for Git hooks is .git/hooks and Git looks for special-named scripts in there. For instance Git is going to look for a script named as pre-push for pre-push hook. If such a script exist in the path then Git corresponding hook is enabled and Git is going to run that script before each corresponding command.

How to Share your hooks with the Contributors

As can be seen this folder is under .git so the hook will not be visible to the others if you work on any repository with hooks collaboratively. If you want to get your hook on the remote repository as well then you need to configure the core.hooksPath of your local git repository as follows:

git config core.hooksPath hooks

Above command sets the hooks folder for Git to a folder named hooks in the current directory, you can set to any path you wish. Now Git is going to look for hooks in this folder instead of .git/hooks.

How to Bypass after enabling

If you don't want your push to be reviewed by pre-push hook then you can use:

git push --no-verify

This is going to push your new commits to remote directly.