
:red_car: The 1st Place Submission to AICity Challenge 2020 re-id track (Baidu-UTS submission)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AICity-reID 2020 (track2)

In this repo, we include the 1st Place submission to AICity Challenge 2020 re-id track (Baidu-UTS submission) [Paper]

We fuse the models trained on Paddlepaddle and Pytorch. To illustrate them, we provide the two training parts seperatively as following.


AICITY2020 Challange Track2 Leaderboard

TeamName mAP Link
Baidu-UTS(Ours) 84.1% code
RuiYanAI 78.1% code
DMT 73.1% code

Extracted Features & Camera Prediction & Direction Prediction:

You may dowanload from GoogleDrive or OneDrive

├── final_features/
│   ├── features/                  /* extracted pytorch feature
│   ├── pkl_feas/                   /* extracted paddle feature (include direction similarity)
│       ├── real_query_fea_ResNeXt101_32x8d_wsl_416_416_final.pkl 
|           ...
│       ├── query_fea_Res2Net101_vd_final2.pkl                 
│   ├── gallery_cam_preds_baidu.txt      /*  gallery camera prediction
│   ├── query_cam_preds_baidu.txt      /*  query camera prediction
|   ├── submit_cam.mat             /*  camera feature for camera similarity calculation

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