
A toolkit for flexible actor models in PHP, empowering the PHP ecosystem

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A toolkit for flexible actor models in PHP, empowering the PHP ecosystem.

requires PHP 8.3 and swoole / open swoole.

and Protocol Buffers for message serialization. / not supported other serialization formats yet.

Documentation is under preparation.

do not use this in production yet.

sample web application / phluxor-http-application-samples
demonstrate the use of Phluxor

// 日本語

PHP 8.3 と swoole / open swoole が必要です。
メッセージのシリアライズには、Protocol Buffersを利用します。/ 他のシリアライズフォーマットはまだサポートされていません。


$ composer require phluxor/phluxor:dev-main

already implemented

  • actor model
  • actor lifecycle
  • supervision
  • actor registry
  • actor messaging
  • become/unbecome
  • mailbox / dispatcher
  • event stream
  • future
  • persistent actors (in memory / mysql)
  • OpenTelemetry support (metrics)
  • router / round-robin, broadcast, scatter-gather, etc.

work in progress

  • open telemetry support (tracing)
  • virtual actors / cluster support

now local actors are supported, and remote actors are in progress.


exception handling is done by the actor system, and the actor can be supervised by parent , root actors.

  • OneForOneStrategy
  • AllForOneStrategy
  • ExponentialBackoffStrategy
  • RestartStrategy

Easy to use

like a akka http, you can use it with a simple API.
use mezzio / mezzio-swoole / phluxor.
and you can use it with swoole / open swoole.



namespace App\ActorSystem;

use App\Message\Add;
use App\Message\Cancel;
use App\Message\Event;
use App\Message\GetEvent;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message\ActorInterface;

class TicketSeller implements ActorInterface
    private int $tickets = 0;
    private string $name = '';
    private string $id   = '';

    public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void
        $msg = $context->message();
        switch (true) {
            case $msg instanceof Add:
                // change actor state
                $this->name    = $msg->name;
                $this->tickets = $msg->tickets;
                $this->id      = $context->self()?->protobufPid()->getId();
            case $msg instanceof GetEvent:
                    new Event($this->name, $this->tickets),
            case $msg instanceof Cancel:
                    new Cancel(),

send message to actor.



namespace App\ActorSystem;

use App\Event\EventCreated;
use App\Message\EventDescription;
use App\Message\EventExists;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Exception\SpawnErrorException;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message\ActorInterface;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Props;
use Swoole\Coroutine\WaitGroup;

use function array_merge;
use function sprintf;

class BoxOffice implements ActorInterface
    public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void
        $msg = $context->message();
        switch (true) {
            case $msg instanceof EventDescription:
                try {
                    $result = $context->spawnNamed(
                        Props::fromProducer(fn() => new TicketSeller()),
                    $context->send($result->getRef(), new Add($msg->name, $msg->tickets));
                    $context->respond(new EventCreated($msg->name, $msg->tickets));
                } catch (SpawnErrorException $e) {
                    $context->respond(new EventExists());


an actor can change its behavior by become and unbecome methods.


one, other are the behavior methods.



namespace Acme;

use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Behavior;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message\ActorInterface;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message\ReceiveFunction;

class EchoSetBehaviorActor implements ActorInterface
    private Behavior $behavior;

    public function __construct()
        $this->behavior = new Behavior();
            new ReceiveFunction(
                fn(ContextInterface $context) => $this->one($context)

    public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void

    public function one(ContextInterface $context): void
        if ($context->message() instanceof BehaviorMessage) {
                new ReceiveFunction(
                    fn(ContextInterface $context) => $this->other($context)

    public function other(ContextInterface $context): void
        if ($context->message() instanceof EchoRequest) {
            $context->respond(new EchoResponse());


use Acme\BehaviorMessage;
use Acme\EchoSetBehaviorActor;
use Acme\EchoRequest;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\ActorContext;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Props;

use function Swoole\Coroutine\go;
use function Swoole\Coroutine\run;

function main(): void 
    run(function () {
        $system = ActorSystem::create();
        go(function (ActorSystem $system) {
            $pid = $system->root()->spawn(
                    fn() => new EchoSetBehaviorActor()
            $system->root()->send($pid, new BehaviorMessage());
            $future = $system->root()->requestFuture($pid, new EchoRequest(), 1);
        }, $system);

Persistent Actors

メッセージのシリアライズには、Protocol Buffersを利用しますので、事前にProtocol Buffersのファイルを用意しておく必要があります。 以下はサンプルのProtocol Buffersファイルです。

persistent actors are actors that can be restored from the previous state.
you can implement an adapter freely according to your environment for the database used for persistence.
by default, in-memory and MySQL are implemented.
Protocol Buffers is used for message serialization, so you need to prepare a Protocol Buffers file in advance.

for example, the protocol buffers file is like this.

syntax = "proto3";

package Acme.Persistence.ProtoBuf;

option php_namespace = "Acme\\Persistence\\ProtoBuf";
option php_metadata_namespace = "Acme\\Metadata";

message Message {
  string message = 1;

message Snapshot {
  string message = 1;

詳しい永続化の使い方は、永続アクターのサンプルを参照してください。Persistence / MySQL

for example, the persistent actor is like this. Persistence / MySQL

use Phluxor\Persistence\Mixin trait and implement Phluxor\Persistence\PersistentInterface.



namespace Acme\Persistence;

use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message\ActorInterface;
use Phluxor\Persistence\Message\RequestSnapshot;
use Phluxor\Persistence\Mixin;
use Phluxor\Persistence\PersistentInterface;
use Acme\Persistence\ProtoBuf\Message;
use Acme\Persistence\ProtoBuf\Snapshot;

class InMemoryTestActor implements ActorInterface, PersistentInterface
    use Mixin;

    private string $state = '';

    public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void
        $msg = $context->message();
        switch (true) {
            case $msg instanceof RequestSnapshot:
                $this->persistenceSnapshot(new TestSnapshot(['message' => $this->state]));
            case $msg instanceof TestSnapshot:
                $this->state = $msg->getMessage();
            case $msg instanceof TestMessage:
                if (!$this->recovering()) {
                $this->state = $msg->getMessage();
            case $msg instanceof Query:

more examples are in the Persistence Tests directory.