Inference of Disease Progressive Level in Single-Cell Data

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

scIDST (single-cell Identification of Disease progressive STages)


scIDST is designed to identify progressive disease states of individual cells from single-cell/nuclei RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) by weakly-supervised deep learning approach. Over the past decade, single-cell transcriptome profiling has been applied to various patient-derived samples to better understand and counter a variety of diseases. Comparative analysis with healthy donor data is widely implemented to identify potential genes that may be involved in disease progression. However, the patient-derived biospecimen is composed of mixture of cells in different disease stages and even contains a portion of healthy cells. Such high heterogeneity obscures differential expression between patient and healthy donors and hinders identification of bona fide disease-associated gene expression patterns. To overcome the heterogeneous disease states in patient-derived single-cell data, scIDST infers disease progression level of individual cells with weak supervision approach and segregate diseased cells from healthy or early disease stage cells. alt text


The Python package requirements are in the file requirements.txt. The program was tested in python 3.10.


git clone https://github.com/ytanaka-bio/scIDST
cd scIDST
pip install -r requirements.txt --user


Map raw sequence data to reference genome by CellRanger. File set of sparse matrix generated by CellRanger (matrix.mtx.gz, features.tsv.gz, and barcodes.tsv.gz) will be used as input of scIDST.

Get Started

  1. Dimensional Reduction by autoencoder (multi thread (-t) is recommended)
$ python autoencoder.py matrix/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/ reduced_data.csv auto_model -x 100 -t 8 -d autoencode
  1. Convertion of binary label into probablistic label
$ python reef_analysis.py reduced_data.csv label.csv disease -o disease_plabel.csv
$ python reef_analysis.py reduced_data.csv label.csv age -o age_plabel.csv
$ python reef_analysis.py reduced_data.csv label.csv sex -o sex_plabel.csv
$ python convert_label.py -f disease age sex -w disease_plabel.csv age_plabel.csv sex_plabel.csv -p label.csv -o label_ws.csv
  1. Training a neural network model with probablistic label. train command generates one model directory <prefix>_model/ and one prediction file <prefix>_result.csv.
$ python classifier_analysis.py train -i reduced_data.csv -p label_ws.csv -o train -t 8 #Generate train_model directory and train_result.csv file


1.1. If you want to perform dimensional reduction with pre-trained autoencoder (e.g. auto_model/ directory), run autoencoder.py with -r 0 option:

$ python classifier_analysis.py other_matrix/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/ reduced_data_other.csv auto_model -r 0

3.1. Training a neural network model with binary label (Supervised learning mode).

$ python classifier_analysis.py train -i reduced_data.csv -p label.csv -o train_bin -t 8 

3.2. Evaluating the performance of the learning model with -l option that generates two additional files: <prefix>_test.csv and <prefix>_predict.csv.

$ python classifier_analysis.py train -i reduced_data.csv -p label_ws.csv -o train -t 8 -l 

Then, draw ROC curve using plot_ROC.R in R_utils/ directory.

> source("R_utils/plot_ROC.R")
> plot_ROC("train_test.csv","train_predict.csv")

3.3. If you want to predict using pre-trained learning model (e.g. train_model/ directory), run classifier_analysis.py with predict mode:

$ python classifier_analysis.py predict -i reduced_data_other.csv -p label_other.csv -d train_model -o predict_other.csv

Note: Please prepare temporary phenotype file (e.g. label_other.csv) that is zero matrix by setting cells and phenotypes as row and column.

                     disease age sex
AAACAGCCAACGTGCT-1_1       0   0   0
AAACAGCCACAACAAA-1_1       0   0   0
AAACATGCAATAACGA-1_1       0   0   0
AAACCGAAGGACCGCT-1_1       0   0   0

3.4. Since hyperparameter tuning spends large time, users want to test the classification model with defined parameteres. Another python script, tensor_analysis.py, can generate artifical neural network with user-defined parameters.

usage: tensor_analysis.py [-h]  {train,predict} ...

Run deep learning with supervised or weekly-supervised mode

positional arguments:
  mode             Choose learning mode
  {train,predict}  sub-command help
    train          training of learning model
    predict        prediction by learning model

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
[ytanaka@cdr1793 github]$ python tensor_analysis.py train -h
usage: tensor_analysis.py train [-h] [-i DATA_FILE] [-p PHENOTYPE_FILE]
                                [-o OUT_FILE] [-v RATIO_VAL] [-s RATIO_TEST]
                                [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-r LEARNING_RATE]
                                [-z OPT_FUNCTION] [-f LOSS_FUNCTION]
                                [-m METRICS] [-e EPOCH]
                                [-a [ACT_FUNCTION [ACT_FUNCTION ...]]]
                                [-n [NODE [NODE ...]]] [-l] [-t THREAD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i DATA_FILE          data filename (default: None)
  -p PHENOTYPE_FILE     phenotype filename (default: None)
  -o OUT_FILE           output prefix (<prefix>_test.csv (with -l option),
                        <prefix>_predict.csv (with -l option),
                        <prefix>_result.csv, and <prefix>_model/) (default:
  -v RATIO_VAL          ratio of validation dataset (default: 0.2)
  -s RATIO_TEST         ratio of test dataset (default: 0.2)
  -b BATCH_SIZE         batch size (default: 2048)
  -r LEARNING_RATE      learning rate (default: 0.0001)
  -z OPT_FUNCTION       optimizer function (default: Adam)
  -f LOSS_FUNCTION      loss function (default: binary_crossentropy)
  -m METRICS            metrics (default: accuracy)
  -e EPOCH              epoch (default: 100)
                        activation function in each layer (default: ['relu',
                        'relu', 'relu'])
  -n [NODE [NODE ...]]  number of node in each layer (default: [500, 250, 50])
  -l                    Evaluate model? (default: False)
  -t THREAD             number of threads (default: 1)

Instead of classifier_analysis.py, train the neural network by tensor_analysis.py.

$ python tensor_analysis.py train -i reduced_data.csv -p label_ws.csv -o train_fixedparam 


Prepare binary label in R

When label table will be generated by R, please save the table with col.names=NA as follow:

> head(label)
                     disease age sex
AAACAGCCAACGTGCT-1_1       0   1   1
AAACAGCCACAACAAA-1_1       0   1   1
AAACATGCAATAACGA-1_1       0   1   1
AAACCGAAGGACCGCT-1_1       0   1   1
AAACCGAAGTGTTGTA-1_1       0   1   1
AAACCGCGTTACATCC-1_1       0   1   1
> write.table(label,"label.csv",sep=",",quote=F,col.names=NA)

Convert Seurat object to the sparse matrix file set

If quality control is performed by Seurat, please generate sparse matrix file set using sgMatrix_table.R script in R_utils directory.

> source("R_utils/sgMatrix_table.R") #Require Seurat, Matrix, and R.utils libraries.
> sgMatrix_table(seurat,"matrix")

Calculation of probabilistic label

If you encounter error in reef_analysis.py, please adjust beta value threshold with -b option.

python reef_analysis.py reduced_data.csv label.csv disease -o disease_plabel.csv -b 0.3

For detail of beta value, please see Reef/Snuba.

ImportError: libgfortran.so.4

If your system does not have libgfortran.so.4, you can use this shared library in CellRanger. If you unpack CellRanger in your home directory, please prepend cellranger-X.X.X/external/anaconda/lib directory into LD_LIBRARY_PATH as follow:

tar xvfz cellranger-X.X.X.tar.gz
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/cellranger-X.X.X/external/anaconda/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH     # X.X.X corresponds to version of CellRanger, which you downloaded.


F. Wehbe, L. Adams, S. Yuen, Y.-S. Kim and Y. Tanaka, Inferring Disease Progressive Stages in Single-Cell Transcriptomics Using Weakly-Supervised Deep Learning Approach, bioRxiv


  • L. Adams, M.K. Song, Y. Tanaka# and Y.-S. Kim#, Single-nuclei paired multiomic analysis of young, aged, and Parkinson's disease human midbrain reveals age-associated glial changes and their contribution to Parkinson's disease, medRxiv, #Co-corresponding authors
  • P. Varma, C. Re, Snuba: automating weak supervision to label training data. Processings of VLDB Endowment 12, 223-236 (2018). PubMed