
This is the new real lepton efficiency framework

Primary LanguageC++


This is the new real lepton efficiency framework.

v31. Rebin

  1. Add the rebin histograms in ytRelative_difference_of_efficiency.C
  2. Change the y-axis to percentage in run_relative_differences_of_efficiency.py

v30. Correct typo

  1. Correct typo in ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_Data and ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC.
  2. Change function names in run_elec_systematics.py
  3. Add two scripts for calculating the relative differeice of efficiencies ytRelative_difference_of_efficiency.C and run_relative_differences_of_efficiency.py.
  4. Add new function in ytPlots.C

v29. Add 3 dim histogram pt_eta_dRjet

  1. And new 3 dim histograms pt_eta_dRjet for baseline and signal in ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_Data and ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC.

v28. Move files

  1. Move compare_error_propagation.C, fitExclude.C, and run_bkg_subtraction.sh from scripts/ to misc/.
  2. Add two functions in ytPlots.C to study how the Gtt_electron cuts affect the efficiency.

v27. Commit the README.md and ytPlots.C

  1. Didn't commit README.md and ytPlots.C in v26 so commit them in v27.

v26. Add 3-dim pt_dRjet_mll histograms

  1. Add h_baseline_pt_dRjet_mll and h_signal_pt_dRjet_mll into ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_Data and ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC.
  2. Change the input file path in Run.cxx, ytPlots.C, and ytBackground_subtraction.C
  3. Fix the Zmumu legend in yt_deltaR_and_NJets_distribution() in ytPlots.C
  4. Fix the typo in run_muon_efficiency.py
  5. Change the directory path in run_making_plots.py

v25. Add new script to calculate the muon systematics.

  1. run_muon_efficiency.py

v24. Fix buts in run_systematics.py and rename to run_elec_systematics.py

v23. Add scripts for systematic uncertianty calculation.

v22. Add mll window region in the output filename of bkg subtraction pdf plots.

v21. Add script to make plots

  1. run_making_plots.py is used to make mll plots, efficiency plots without bkg subtraction, and kinematic distributions.
  2. Fix bugs in run_background_subtraction.py and ytPlots.C.

v20. Upload to ouhep05 and compile.

  1. Fix errors after merging branches.

v19. Correct the wrong merge parts.

  1. In ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC.cxx.

v18. Correct the wrong merge parts.

  1. In ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC.cxx and ytPlots.C.

v17. Correct the wrong merge parts.

  1. In ytEventSelection.cxx, run_Real_lepton_efficiency.py, ytPlots.C

v16. Merge ouhep05 branch into master branch.

  1. Conflict files are: ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC.h, Run.cxx, ytPlots.C, yt_cutflows.cxx, ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC.cxx, ytEventSelection.cxx, README.md
  2. Auto-merging: run_Real_lepton_efficiency.py,

v01.(ouhep05 branch)-04. Move share/*.* to misc/

  1. Move share/*.* to misc/ and delete share/
  2. Using markdown language in README.md

v01.(ouhep05 branch)-03. Modify the READMD.md

v01.(ouhep05 branch)-02. This are files on ouhep05.

The current results (20161006) are obtained using this version.

v01.(ouhep05 branch)-01. This are files on ouhep05

The latest modified date of files is Sep./30/2016.

v15. Correct the MC weight

  1. normalization * baseline_weight and normalization * signal_weight.
  2. Correct EL_eta and Mu_eta to fabs(El_eta) and fabs(Mu_eta)

v14. Change the header size.

v13. Apply markdown language on the README.md

v12. Remove the wrong merge parts.

  1. In cutflow.cxx and ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC.cxx

v11. Merge ouhep04 branch into master branch.

  1. Conflict files are: ytEventSelection.h, cutflow.cxx, Run.cxx, ytEventSelection.cxx, README.md
  2. Auto-merging: ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC.cxx

v01.(ouhep04 branch)-04. Move share/*.* to misc/ and delete share/.

v01.(ouhep04 branch)-03. Modify the README.md

v01.(ouhep04 branch)-02. This is the version on ouhep04.

The latest modified data of files on ouhep04 is Sep./29/2016.

v01.(ouhep04 branch)-01. This is the version on ouhep04.

The latest modified data of files on ouhep04 is Sep./22/2016.

v10. Add 2 functions in ytPlot.C and add a python script.

  1. Add yt_kinematics_distribution() and yt_deltaR_and_NJets_distribution()
  2. Add run_background_subtraction.py in python/

v09. Loose the template 1 requirements.

  1. Both Calo and Track isolation variable require > 6% for template 1.
  2. chmod 755 python scripts.
  3. Fix bugs in run_bkg_subtraction.sh.
  4. Change the input folder in ytPlots.C and ytBackground_subtraction.C.
  5. Add Xsec.txt for the Sherpa samples.

v08. Redirect the output of run_bkg_subtraction.sh.

  1. Redirect the output so I can use another script to get the results.
  2. Add New_Skimmed class

v07. Correct background subtraction.

  1. In the ytBackground_subtraction.C: a. Fix the bug when N_sig = 0. b. Add the error propagation. c. Finalize the background subtraction. d. Fix the norm < 0 bug which happens on 10 < pT < 15 and 0 < eta < 0.8. Add a patch to fix it.
  2. Add function to save plots in ytPlots.C.
  3. Add variations in run_bkg_subtraction.sh.

v06. Add skim

  1. Add yt_skim in LinkDef.h
  2. Add new skim class: yt_skim.
  3. Overload fill_electrons(), fill_muons(), and fill_jets() for data and MC in ytEventSelection class.
  4. Add weight calculation methods in ytEventSelection class.

v05. Add retrieve.py

  1. Add retrieve.py to retrieve files from condor or grid.

v04. Add Condor, PROOF driver

  1. Add EventLoopGrid package in Makefile.RootCore.
  2. Change to rcSetup Base, 2.4.19 and add python path in setupRealEfficiency.sh.
  3. Add a toy MC compare_error_propagation.C to check the error propagation.
  4. Split cutflow.cxx to cutflow.cxx and skim.cxx.
  5. Add Condor and PROOF drivers in cutflow.cxx and Run.cxx

v03. Add GRL and PRW

  1. Add baseline_weight and signal_weight in ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC class.
  2. Add data/GRL and data/PRW and put the GRL and PRW files into thest two folders.
  3. Modify the GRL and PRW path in the yt_cutflows class.
  4. Change the type of events_pass_cutflow from int to double in order to keep derivationStat_weight.

v02. Move share/* to misc/

  1. Move AnaNtup_Data, AnaNtup_MC, Skimmed_Data, and Skimmed_MC from share/ to misc/, then delete share/.

v01. The initial commit.

  1. The ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC still have some bugs about the MC normalization. The current version get Zee MC 20% more than data and Zmumu MC 10% more than data. But this might cause by the PRW input file in the skim. To be check...
  2. Both ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_MC and ytRealLeptonsEfficiency_Data need to implement dilepton trigger in the future. The current version only supply single lepton trigger.
  3. The ytEventSelection is under developing and it only supports MC sample now. Need to implement a way to get the DerivationStat_Weight from the histogram in the root file. Nils suggested two ways but I don't like them. :(
  4. The python script run_Real_lepton_efficiency.py is under developing. Use the command line to run the framework for now.
  5. It seems no one use useful_functions.cxx, so I move it from Root/ to misc/.
  6. The ytBackground_subtraction.C works well but the uncertainty proparagation need to be included. The current version doesn't consider the uncertainty proparagation.
  7. ytPlots.C needs to add a function to make efficiency plots after applying background subtraction.
  8. The TSelector codes of the analysis ntuples and skimmed ntuples are put in share/.
  9. Both cutflow.cxx and Run.cxx only support to execute framework on local machine. Will implement the Grid in the future.