
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Please feel free to submit issues if you find any problem during installation.

1. Installing CUDA

2. Installing Conda

3. Creating Environment

  • Create a new clean environment with:
conda create -n hgl-env python=3.8 && source activate hgl-env

4. Installing Dependencies

  • [Recommended] Minimal installation requires pytorch=1.10.2 and dgl-cuda11.3=0.7.2,
conda install pytorch=1.10.2 torchvision torchaudio torchtext cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
conda install dgl-cuda11.3=0.7.2 -c dglteam -c conda-forge
conda install pytest -c conda-forge
pip3 install rdflib
  • [Not required] You can also install pyg=2.0.1 at the same time, however, this may cause conflicts on certain anaconda, gcc, and CUDA versions.
conda install pyg=2.0.1 dgl-cuda11.3=0.7.2 -c pyg -c dglteam -c conda-forge

5. Installing HGL-proto

  • First, download the repo
git clone https://github.com/ytgui/HGL-proto.git && cd HGL-proto
  • Second, build and install custom dependency
python3 setup.py install

6. Cleanup

  • Delete the hgl-env from conda.
  • After evaluation, downloaded datasets are saved at $HOME/.dgl/, you can remove this folder if it is not needed further.


Although this prototype implementation performs excellent performance as the paper illustrated, it is not sufficient for production usage. Please consider to re-implement HGL on top of TVM/MLIR/torch.jit/torch.fx (a better official implementation with production stability is comming soon).

1. Folder Structure

  • setup.py: After your install command, it installs a python package named graph_ext in your enviroment, which includes all the necessary (Het)GNN kernels. So that pure python implemented HGL-proto can be decoupled from C/C++/CUDA codes.
  • src/: Folder contains C/C++/CUDA codes.
  • hgl/: Folder contains pure python prototype implementation of HGL.
  • test/: Folder contains all the files for evaluating.

2. Known Issues and Limitations

  • tensor-float-32 feature on ampere GPUs (e.g., RTX30) may affect accuracy, if you add new test cases, please do not forget:
torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = False
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = False
  • Sampling based methods generate variable sizes of graphs as input, and make it hard to give stable and consistent reproduction. So, the bench_macro.py script uses a fixed sampling setting as follows, where nodes in a larger graph are shrinked to 1/16 of its original size. (even with this setting, training R-GAT on am_hetero dataset may cause OOM if your GPU memory is less than 8GB)
if graph.num_edges() > 128 * 1024:
    n_nodes = graph.num_nodes()
    nids = torch.randperm(n_nodes // 16)
    graph = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors(
        g=graph, nodes=nids, fanout=64
  • Please make sure the correct pytorch=1.10.2 is installed, since it is hard for us to keep maintaining the prototype implementation works well with the latest dependencies, and we've found that the dynamic tracing implementation is no longer incompatible with pytorch>=1.11.x due to calling convention changes.

3. Correctness of HGL-proto

Both forward results and backward gradients are checked carefully.

  • First, check CUDA kernel results multiple times, where sparse matrix computations are compared with dense matrix GEMMs, absolute tolerance is set to 1e-3.
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/test_kernel.py
  • Second, check correctness of GNN layer, it makes sure HGL doesn't miss important computation or give wrong result.
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/test_allclose.py
  • Third, minimal homogeneous training example, the case makes sure the convergence of GAT model.
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/test_homo.py
  • Fourth, minimal heterogeneous training example, the case makes sure the convergence of R-GAT model.
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/test_hetero.py
  • Fifth, stitching, the most complex feature of HGL, is ensured to be correct by comparing model outputs when it is enabled and disabled.
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/test_stitch.py

4. Result Reproduction

Some minor experiments may be removed temporarily during major revision phase.

  • First, download and list all the datasets
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/bench_macro.py --info
  • Expected output:
n_nodes: 7262
node-types: 7
meta-paths: 104
n_rows: 216138
n_edges: 48810
avg_degrees: 4.030543059612123
n_nodes: 27163
node-types: 5
meta-paths: 50
n_rows: 281757
n_edges: 148100
avg_degrees: 0.5861625145724975
  • Second, performance comparison with baseline in terms of throughput and memory consumption.
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/bench_macro.py --lib=dgl --model=rgcn --dataset=aifb_hetero --d_hidden=32
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/bench_macro.py --lib=hgl --model=rgcn --dataset=aifb_hetero --d_hidden=32

# R-GAT on AIFB (slower)
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/bench_macro.py --lib=dgl --model=rgat --dataset=aifb_hetero --d_hidden=32
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/bench_macro.py --lib=hgl --model=rgat --dataset=aifb_hetero --d_hidden=32
  • Expected output:
[DGL] aifb-hetero, DGLRGCNModel, d_hidden=32
allocated_bytes.all.allocated: 384.49 MB
allocated_bytes.small_pool.allocated: 330.37 MB
allocated_bytes.large_pool.allocated: 54.12 MB
throughput: 1.0x
[HGL] AIFBDataset, RGCNModel, d_hidden=32
allocated_bytes.all.allocated: 58.97 MB
allocated_bytes.small_pool.allocated: 45.17 MB
allocated_bytes.large_pool.allocated: 13.80 MB
throughput: 15.0x~20.0x
  • Benchmark Parameters:
    • --lib: 'dgl', 'hgl', 'pyg'
    • --model: 'gcn', 'gat', 'rgcn', 'rgat'
    • --dataset: 'cora_tiny', 'amazon', 'cora_full', 'reddit' (for 'gcn', 'gat'), 'aifb_hetero', 'mutag_hetero', 'bgs_hetero', 'am_hetero' (for 'rgcn', 'rgat')
    • --d_hidden: 32 is the recommanded hidden size