
extract user-requested data from safety data sheets

Primary LanguagePython

alt text


sds_parser is a browser-based app for extracting chemical data from Safety Data Sheet documents. sds_parser will speed up your data-entry process by eliminating the need to read through Safety Data Sheets to get the data you care about.


Built out of the need to quickly access chemical data from Safety Data Sheets for data-entry purposes. Each chemical manufacturer will stylize and structure their SDSs a little bit differently. sds_parser can easily be updated to read a new manufacturer format by adding a new set of regular expressions to match the format that that specific manufacturer uses.


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Tech/framework used

  • pdfminer, a tool for extracting information from PDF documents
  • pytesseract, a python wrapper for Google's Tesseract-OCR


Have some physical SDSs you need to scan and get data from? Have no fear, sds_parser will recognize your scanned file as an image and perform optical character recognition to extract the text for you.

How to use?

Simply initialize SDSParser with an optional list of data fields you wish to extract (e.g. ['manufacturer', 'flash_point']) to request_keys. See configs.SDSRegexes.SDS_DATA_TITLES for the proper keys to use. If no keys are requested, all available data fields will be searched.

sds_parser = SDSParser(**request_keys=<[keys]>)

then call .get_sds_data() to retrieve the matches by passing in your SDS document in .pdf format. If you wish to turn off automatic ocr functionality, do that here with ocr_override=False.

chemical_data = sds_parser.get_sds_data(file_path, ocr_override=False)

chemical_data will be a dictionary object mapping request key names to their corresponding matches. If the specific field is not found in the SDS, .get_sds_data() will return the string 'Data not listed'. If the field is found, but no data is found under it, .get_sds_data() will return the string 'No data available'.


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MIT © Yourname