
Uploads image, font, css, js files which are referenced in html and css files to Cloudinary, and also upgrades these references automatically! Supports Cloudinary Image Transformations.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Uploads image, font, css, js files which are referenced in html and css files to Cloudinary, and also upgrades these references automatically! Supports Cloudinary Image Transformations.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-cloudinary-upload --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:



Get a Cloudinary account

Cloudinary is a cloud-based service that provides an end-to-end image management solution including uploads, storage, administration, image manipulation, and delivery.

If you haven't got a Cloudinary account, please go to here.

Note: Don't forget to verify your email address as it may cause an error later.

The "cloudinary" task

In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named cloudinary to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  cloudinary: {
    options: {
      // Set your Cloudinary account info here
      account: {
        cloudName: '<your-cloud-name>',
        apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
        apiSecret: '<your-api-secret>'
    your_target: {
      // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.

Set your Cloudinary account info

There are diffenert ways to set your Cloudinary account info, the first way is to put them in the options object directly.

account: {
  cloudName: '<your-cloud-name>',
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
  apiSecret: '<your-api-secret>'

For security reason, you can also put your account info by using json in cloudinary-account.json file, rather than set it in options directively.

  "cloudName": "<your-cloud-name>",
  "apiKey": "<your-api-key>",
  "apiSecret": "<your-api-secret>"

Config your target

Please specify all the css and html files which contain references to resource files (including image, font, css, js files) in your target so that these resource files can be uploaded to Cloudinary.

Note: not the files you'd like to upload to Cloudinary, but the files contain references to the files you want to upload.

your_target: {
  files: [{
    cwd: 'src/',
    src: ['css/**/*.css', '**/*.html'],
    dest: 'dist/' // Note: this must be a directory!

You don't need to worry about the order, it can be solved automatically. The whole process will be divided into 2 phases. In the first phase, images, fonts which are referenced in css file and images, js files which are referenced in the html file will be uploaded and the references will be updated. In the second phase, css files which have been altered in the first phase will be uploaded.

Note: the non-exist assests will be ignored by grunt-cloudinary-upload.

Note: the dest must be a directory unless you only have one file, as all the files matched src will be put into this directory.

Support references

  • url in css file
  • <link> in html file
  • <img> in html file
  • <script> in html file

Use Cloudinary Image Transformation

For Cloudinary Image Transformation usage, see here.

You can simply add transformation chain after the src and a ?.

There are some examples below:

url(../images/me.png?e_oil_paint/r_11)  // url in css
<img src="../images/me.png?e_oil_paint/r_11"> // img in html



Type: Object Default value: grunt.file.readJSON('cloudinary-account.json')

A object contains your Cloudinary account info.


Type: String Default value: null

Your Cloud Name.


Type: String Default value: null

Your API Key.


Type: String Default value: null

Your API Secret.


Type: Array Default value: null

The root folders of your source files which will be uploaded. By setting this, it can remove the content of the option at the beginning of the public_id (See: All upload options)

Note: Please set it both the path of your src folder and your dest folder, as the html file which contains references to css file, may upload from your dest folder rather than src folder.

roots: [

For example, if you set this option, image file dist/images/me.png will be uploaded by public_id = 'images/me' instead of public_id = 'dist/images/me'. So that your url on Cloudinary will be http://res.cloudinary.com/<cloud-name>/image/upload/v<version-number>/images/me.png instead of http://res.cloudinary.com/<cloud-name>/image/upload/v<version-number>/dist/images/me.png


Type: Array Default value: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']

A array contains all extension names of images in your project. These kind of files will be uploaded to Cloudinary as an image (resource_type = 'image'). In another word, any other kind of files will be uploaded as raw file (resource_type = 'raw'). (See: All upload options)


Type: Boolean Default value: false

The version number will be removed in the url if this option is true.

For example, http://res.cloudinary.com/<cloud-name>/image/upload/v<version-number>/images/me.png will be replaced by http://res.cloudinary.com/<cloud-name>/image/upload/images/me.png.

Usage Examples

Default Options

In this example, the src/css/style.css file has the content url(../images/me.png), the generated result would be url(http://res.cloudinary.com/<cloud-name>/image/upload/v<version-number>/src/images/me.png).

  cloudinary: {
    options: {
      account: {
        // Account info ...
    css: {
      files: [{
        cwd: 'src/',
        src: ['css/style.css'],
        dest: 'dist/'

Remove Version

In this example, you can remove the version from the generated result. The src/css/style.css file has the content url(../images/me.png), the generated result would be url(http://res.cloudinary.com/<cloud-name>/image/upload/src/images/me.png).

  cloudinary: {
    options: {
      removeVersion: true
    css: {
      files: [{
        cwd: 'src/',
        src: ['css/style.css'],
        dest: 'dist/'

Multiple files

The example shows a relatively complex environment.

Your Gruntfile

  cloudinary: {
    options: {
      removeVersion: true,
      roots: ['src/', 'dist/']
    css: {
      files: [{
        cwd: 'src/',
        src: ['css/style.css', 'index.html'],
        dest: 'dist/'

The original files:


div.sample {
  background: url(../images/me.png);


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

The generated files:


div.sample {
  background: url(http://res.cloudinary.com/<cloud-name>/image/upload/images/me.png);


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://res.cloudinary.com/<cloud-name>/raw/upload/css/style.css">

Release History

4.4.5: Add 3-time retry during uploading