- 5
Database corrupted after accessed by browser
#79 opened by nonix - 12
Server crashing after ungraceful shutdown
#75 opened by nonix - 8
Implementing variables?
#69 opened by PeterSurda - 2
- 18
- 9
- 9
tt process hangs after ping request
#63 opened by corecell - 3
Docs for Docker environment variables/cmnd lines options for volume storage etc ?
#66 opened by craigcurtin-dev - 17
TT produces huge `index` files
#64 opened by jens-ylja - 3
Installing the TickTockDB Demo in Docker fails on a RaspberryPi model 2 with the 32 bit version of Bookworm
#71 opened by juggledad - 4
unrecognized option '--http.request.format'
#70 opened by FedeBev - 12
- 15
Ticktock store bogus values
#76 opened by rkohrt - 8
Connecting TicktockDB to Grafana not working
#65 opened by juggledad - 7
- 3
change to return a message
#59 opened by juggledad - 4
Is it possible to delete data points?
#57 opened by vilisseranen - 13
- 8
tags does not support boolean or numeric values
#53 opened by andreish - 12
HTTP pipelining does not work
#54 opened by andreish - 3
- 28
TT returns inconsistent data on query
#48 opened by jens-ylja - 7
- 12
TT crashes with SIGSEGV when executing a query
#45 opened by jens-ylja - 9
TickTock just shutting down
#32 opened by Soren-klars - 3
- 6
- 14
- 27
very weird value reading
#31 opened by mzy2240 - 3
how to add ticktock to systemd
#34 opened by mzy2240 - 4
reading values via http only works in curl and Grafana, but not in other clients like browsers
#33 opened by Soren-klars - 15
change config has no effect on log location
#30 opened by mzy2240 - 6
API returns 404 or 500
#28 opened by mzy2240 - 4
Unable to launch
#27 opened by mzy2240 - 3
#24 opened by mkohns - 3
String value
#25 opened by mkohns - 36
crash on Raspberry PI zero
#10 opened by thomasrunge - 3
crash on low memory
#9 opened by thomasrunge