
Comparison of several popular graph benchmarks: graph-tool, igraph, networkx, networkit, SNAP

Primary LanguagePython

Graph Benchmarks

Comparing different open-source graph analysis packages using benchmark graph tasks


We suggest set up different Anaconda virtual environments for each of the packages. Experiments are run with Python 3.7. Besides, you should install matplotlib==3.3. For commands to install the graph packages, see setup.md.


  1. Graph-tool
  2. igraph
  3. NetworkX
  4. Networkit
  5. SNAP


  1. Amazon product co-purchasing network (262k nodes, 1.2m edges)
  2. Google web graph (875k nodes, 5.1m edges)


  1. Data loading
  2. Shortest path
  3. PageRank
  4. k-core
  5. Strongly connected components


Outputs of the scripts include:

  1. Total runtime
  2. Peak virtual memory size
  3. CPU usage and Resident Set Size (RSS) throughout the process, given by procpath (figure)
  4. ps data throughout the process
  5. CPU usage and Virtual Memory Size (VMS) throughout the process, given by ps -aux (figure)


sh scripts/snap.sh

Scripts for other packages can also be found in scripts and run using similar commands.