
A re-implementation of NCET on ProPara dataset (NAACL 2019 Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP).

Primary LanguagePython


This is a re-implementation of the Neural CRF Entity Tracking (NCET) model on the ProPara dataset.

NCET is currently holding the state-of-the-art result on the ProPara dataset (by the time I wrote this code, 2019/12). NCET was originally proposed by Aditya Gupta and Greg Durrett, in the paper Tracking Discrete and Continuous Entity State for Process Understanding (NAACL 2019 Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP). However, the authors did not provide the source code, so I wrote my own re-implementation based on the original paper.


NCET uses the ProPara dataset proposed by AI2. This dataset is about a reading comprehension task on procedural text, i.e., a paragraph of text that describing a natural process (e.g., photosynthesis, evaporation, etc.). The model are required to read the paragraph and the given entities, then predict the state changes (CREATE, MOVE, DESTROY or NONE) as well as the locations of these entities.


AI2 released the dataset here in the form of Google Spreadsheet. We need three files to run the NCET model, i.e., the Paragraphs file for the raw text, the Train/Dev/Test file for the dataset split, and the State_change_annotations file for the annotated entities and locations. I also provide a copy in CSV format in data/ directory which is identical to the official release.

P.S. Please download the files in CSV format if you choose to download directly from AI2.


NCET uses a structural framework to perform two sub-tasks of ProPara. For one thing, NCET tracks the state changes of a given entity and predicts its state change sequence. For another, NCET extracts location candidates from the raw text using heuristic rules and predict the most plausible location for each entity and each timestep.


The base of NCET is a Bi-LSTM with Elmo embeddings to generate context-aware representations for each token. Then, a state tracker and a location predictor are used to perform state tracking and location prediction, respectively. Their inputs are based on the mention positions of the given entity, concatenated by the associated verb (for state tracking) or the location candidate (for location prediction). Two sub-tasks are jointly trained and perform inference in a pipeline fashion at test time. For further descriptions, please refer to the original paper.

P.S. NCET performs 6-class state prediction (O_C, O_D, C, D, E, M) which is more precise than the original requirements.


Since the original paper did not provide all details of the NCET model, there may be differences between my implementation with their intention. To reduce noise from raw data, I perform lemmatization on all entities and location candidates while finding their mention positions in the paragraph. Besides, the way I extract the location candidates and verbs may differ from their paper, please refer to the data/README.md and read_raw_dataset.py for details.

For joint training, I add the loss of two sub-tasks with a hyper-parameter to weight the two losses. For training period, all timesteps with a valid location are used for optimization. In test time, I only predict those timesteps when the predicted state is CREATE or MOVE. Then, commonsense rules are used to expand the predicted locations to all timesteps. I also use hard constraints to automatically refine the conflicts between state prediction and location prediction, in order to fit the predictions into the evaluation script. Best checkpoint on the dev set is used to evaluate on test set. It is worth noting that the evaluation metric on dev set is the total accuracy of location prediction and state prediction.


PyTorch 1.3.1

Pandas 0.25.3

SpaCy 2.2.3, used in tokenization and lemmatization

flair 0.4.4, used in POS tagging

numpy 1.17.4

allennlp 0.9.0, used in Elmo embedding

pytorch-crf 0.7.2

You may also need to download the en_core_web_sm model for English language support of SpaCy:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm


  1. Download the dataset or use my copy in data/.

  2. Download the Elmo options file and weight file provided by Allennlp, and place them under elmo/ directory:

    wget https://allennlp.s3.amazonaws.com/models/elmo/2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_options.json
    wget https://allennlp.s3.amazonaws.com/models/elmo/2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5
  3. Process the raw text in CSV format into the required input format of NCET:

    python read_raw_dataset.py

    By default, the files should be put in data/ and the output JSON files are also stored in data/. You can specify the input and output paths using optional command-line arguments. Please refer to the code for more details of cmd args.

    Time for running the pre-process script may vary according to your CPU performance. It takes me about 50 minutes on a Intel Xeon 3.7GHz CPU.

  4. Train a NCET model:

    python train.py -mode train -ckpt_dir ckpt -train_set data/train.json -dev_set data/dev.json

    where -ckpt_dir denotes the directory where checkpoints will be stored.

    Some useful optional arguments:

    -save_mode     Checkpoint saving mode. 'best' (default): only save the best checkpoint on dev set. 
                   'all': save all checkpoints. 
                   'none': don't save checkpoints.
    -epoch         Number of epochs to run the dataset. Default: 100. You can set it to -1 
                   (which was what I did in training) to remove epoch limit and only use early stopping 
                   to stop training.
    -impatience    Early stopping rounds. If the score on dev set does not increase for -impatience rounds, 
                   then stop the training process. Default: 20. You can set it to -1 to disable early stopping 
                   and train for a definite number of epochs.
    -report        The frequency of evaluating on dev set and save checkpoints (per epoch). Default: 2.
    -log_dir       Path to log directory. If specified, training and evaluation details will be stored to 
                   an additional log, which is named as the current timestamp. Default: None.
    -log_file      Path to log file. If specified, training and evaluation details will be stored to 
                   this file. Default: None
    -loc_loss      The hyper-parameter to weight the state tracking loss and location prediction loss.
    -no_cuda       Only use CPU if specified.

    Time for training a new model may vary according to your GPU performance as well as your training schema (i.e., training epochs and early stopping rounds). It takes me about 10~15 minutes to train a new model on a single Tesla P40.

  5. Predict on test set using a trained model:

    python train.py -mode test -test_set data/test.json -dummy_test data/dummy-predictions.tsv 
    -restore ckpt/best_checkpoint.pt -output data/prediction.tsv

    where -output is the TSV file that will contain the prediction results, and -dummy_test is the output template that I used to simplify output formatting. The dummy-predictions.tsv file is provided by the official evaluation script of AI2, and I just copied it to data/.

  6. Download the official evaluation script of ProPara provided by AI2.

  7. Run the evaluation script using the gold answer and your prediction:

    python evaluator.py -p data/prediction.tsv -a data/answers.tsv --diagnostics data/diagnostic.txt

    where answers.tsv is the gold answer, and diagnostic.txt will contain detailed scores for each instance. answers.tsv can be found here, or you can directly use my copy in data/. evaluator.py is the evaluation script provided by AI2, and can be found here.

    P.S. You should download the whole repo provided by AI2 instead of only downloading evaluator.py.

  8. (Optional) You can also generate a nicely formatted output file to compare your predictions with gold answers:

    python case_study.py -test_set data/test.json -restore ckpt/best_checkpoint.pt -output data/case.tsv

    By running this script you will also get the accuracy of your final predictions (after aligning states and locations)


My script will print the accuracy of total predictions, state predictions and location predictions at each report step on training set and dev set. Besides, these scores are also reported during testing time. The accuracy of state prediction takes all timesteps into account. However, things are different for location prediction. For training and evaluation, the accuracy of location prediction counts all timesteps except for locations '?' and '-'. For testing, besides timesteps with locations '?' and '-', those timesteps when the gold location is not included in the candidate set are also omitted while computing accuracy. The total accuracy is the micro-average of the above two scores. Therefore, the accuracy scores are only for reference, and precise results should be acquired from the official evaluation script.