
batch is not working as parameters_for_batch set

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I want to use aqua_cmd_batch.m to analyze multi files, so I test it by one tif file. I set the parameter in parameter_for_batch.csv, and all my settings for 'skip steps 2 and 3' are 1, which should mean the analyze will skip detecting super volxis, but I saw my Matlab is still running these steps. I also try to change the name from File1 to my filename, but it doesn't make any changes. I have attached my parameters_for_batch.csv

Thanks for reminding us, it's the problem in " aqua_cmd_batch.m" script. Now we've updated it to satisfy your requirements. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you for your quick update:) I try the new aqua_cmd_batch.m
But when I run the script, just after it detects all the event, MATLAB close itself.

It didn't occur on my computer using your parameter setting. Does that issue repeatly happen on your dataset? Could you check again, or test it on a smaller dataset? I suspect it may be memory issue.
And which version of MATLAB do you use? Currently I tested it on both MATLAB R2020b and MATLAB R2022b on my data, the script works.