
This tutorial provides some instructions on how to set up and run a Zanata instance on an Openshift local cluster.

By: Yu Shao

Based on Fedora 24

Install docker, as root user:

dnf yum install docker

  File: /etc/sysconfig/docker   Uncomment the INSECURE_REGISTRY line and change it to:   INSECURE_REGISTRY='--insecure-registry'

dnf docker start
systemctl enable docker
systemctl disable httpd
systemctl start docker
systemctl stop httpd

Install Openshift Origin Server and client tools:

Note: The following steps are only based on version 1.3.2, Openshift Origin is still under very active development.

Start Openshift Origin using the client tools:

oc cluster up

Sometimes this command will stall when finding available ports for Openshift. In this case you might want to disable the iptables service and restart the docker daemon beforehand:

systemctl stop iptables
iptables -F
systemctl restart docker

The following template files will be used for persistent volume creation. One volume for the Zanata server data, another one for the database's data. volumes/zanata-pv.yaml volumes/zanata-db-pv.yaml volumes/jenkins-pv.yaml

Note: mysql/mysql-server doesn't start properly in Openshift Origin as it requires root access, Maria DB starts ok.

Preparing the storage on your local host machine

mkdir -p /var/storage/jenkins /var/storage/zanata /var/storage/zanata-db
chmod -R 777 /var/storage
chcon -R -t svirt_sandbox_file_t /var/storage

Create the Persistent Volumes using the template files

oc login -u system:admin
oc create -f volumes/

Give admin privileges to any user

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default

Log in as developer user

oc login -u developer -p developer

Create OpenShift Deployments

oc process -f zanata-mariadb.yaml | oc create -f -

... wait for the mariadb database to boot up ...

oc process -f zanata-l10n.yaml | oc create -f -

Create a Zanata admin user (otherwise you will not be able to login)

Download and copy the contents of the following file:

Go to the running zanata-mariadb pod and click on the 'Terminal' tab to gain access to a terminal.

Log in to mariadb using the credentials given in the zanata-l10n.yaml file:

mysql -u zanata --password=zanatapassword zanata

Then simply paste the copied sql commands to insert the admin user.

Accessing Openshift Web UI

Run a jenkins container

  • Go to "Add to Project" on the "Overview" page in the Openshift web console
  • Click on "Continuous Integration and Deployment" under "Browse Catalog"
  • Select the Image Stream for "Jenkins (Persistent)
  • Select to NOT have oauth enabled (This will create an admin/password user on Jenkins)
  • Select to have '250M' of Jenkins storage (so that it matches up with the jenkins volume created earlier)
  • Go back to the "Overview" and wait for Jenkins to be deployed

Install the Zanata Jenkins plugin

  • Log in to Jenkins
  • Build the plugin with mvn package


  • Just upload a pre-built .hbi file (From Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins)

Create a new Jenkins job

  • Select a Freestyle Project
  • Add a source repository
    • If using Github, make sure to add the correct credentials
  • Add a Build step of type "Zanata Sync"
  • Fill in the necessary data:
    • Zanata Server URL is the url from your newly created openshift instance of zanata
    • Zanata username and API key should be obatined by logging into Zanata and looking at the "Client" section of your "Settings"
    • Sync Option should be 'source'