
This is a Swagger2Markup Maven template project which uses the swagger2markup-maven-plugin to convert a contract-first Swagger specification into an AsciiDoctor-based HTML documentation.

Swagger2Markup Maven template project

This is a Swagger2Markup Maven template project which uses the swagger2markup-maven-plugin to convert a contract-first Swagger specification into an AsciiDoctor-based HTML documentation.

Usage guide

Swagger Specification

  1. Copy your Swagger Specification (JSON or YAML) file into the folder src/docs/swagger

  2. Modify the pom.xml properties.swagger.input to point at the copied specification

Add hand-written content

Add hand-written AsciiDoc content into the folder src/docs/asciidoc and include the files in src/docs/asciidoc/index.adoc.


The Asciidoctor attribute {generated} is set by the Gradle script to target/asciidoc. By default the Swagger2Markup Maven plugin creates the the generated AsciiDoc files into the target/asciidoc folder.

Convert AsciiDoc into HTML

mvn process-resources

See target/asciidoc/html5/index.html to check the generated HTML report.