demo of DAAN

DAAN: A Deep Autoencoder-based Augmented Network for Multilinear Hyperspectral Unmixing

Note: DAAN codes are intended for academic communication only and may not be used commercially.

This demo of DAAN was made by Zhiqing Zhu and Yuanchao Su in July 2023.

Contact: Yuanchao Su ( and Lianru Gao (

Architectures and Systems

  • DAAN can run under X86 architectures.
  • The demo was tested under Windows 11.
    ├── Environment: Python 3.8.10 and PyTorch 2.0.1
    ├── Demo
    │ └──
    ├── Test data: real and synthetic data sets.
    │ ├── data_real(Real data)
    │ │ ├──Y.npy(Moffett Field data)
    │ │ └──E.npy(Endmembers)
    │ └── data_synthetic(Synthetic data)
    │ ├──Y.npy(Synthetic data)
    │ └──E.npy(Endmembers)
    └── Results files


  • '' uses synthetic hyperspectral data.
  • '' uses Moffett Field data.