Taiwan Can Help

當全球疫情蔓延,臺灣不但妥適控制住疫情,並讓疫情對人民生活的衝擊降到最低。臺灣防疫模式的透明與誠實,提供了**國家更佳的防疫對策。在此我們分享台灣在政府、企業、個人等各公、私部門的經驗,齊心一同抗疫,向世界傳達 Taiwan can help 的誠摯信念。

"As the COVID-19 continues, Taiwan not only properly controls the epidemic, but also minimizes its negative impact on people’s daily lives. The transparency of Taiwan's epidemic control model demonstrates a paradigm for democratic countries. Here, we share Taiwan's experience on epidemic control in various sectors and levels - government, enterprise, and individual. Let’s work together to fight the epidemic.Taiwan can help the world with its experience. Let’s fight altogether against COVID-19."


Get Started

At first, use yarn to install needed dependencies.


Then start the dev server.

yarn dev