python mode config
must be one of train or generate.
must be a valid path to config in .json format.
A config file must be in .json format, and contain a dictionary with settings, like in an example_config.json
- model_mode: one of "GNH" (Graph Neural Hawkes) or "NH" (Neural Hawkes)
- results_savepath: training statistics savepath
- model_savepath: model learned weghts savepath
- data_path: path to a valid text file containing input event stream network (examples are contained in
directory) - self_links
- directed
- num_epochs
- batch_size
- num_units
- num_types
- N_ratio
- vstate_len: only in case of GNH model mode
- batching_mode: one of "gap_cut", "even_cut" or None
- batching_kwargs: a dictionary containing batching settings
For gap_cut:
- min_gap_size
- [min_len]
For even_cut:
- piece_len
- [min_len]
- [take_rest]
- model_mode: one of GNH (Graph Neural Hawkes) or NH (Neural Hawkes)
- results_savepath
- num_units
- num_types
- vstate_len
- self_links
- model_savepath:
- seed
- max_events
- max_time