Realm helper is aim to simplify realm database use .
The realm of Android version still have some troublesome problems, such as:
- You must remember to call close method in onDestroy method of activity or fragment
- It can’t call each other betweeten threads
For problem one, Realm helper has provided a solution. It can use realm database more easily , and help you to auto close realm in onDestroy method.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private var mRealmHelper: RealmHelper by Delegates.notNull() override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) // You must ensure activity has been created mRealmHelper = RealmHelper.get(this) // You can use all method in Realm class at here mRealmHelper.use { executeTransaction { } } } }
Watch more, checkout this project , see app module.
In the project , it adds a child project LifecycleBinder, You can easily to achieve binding lifecycle of activity and fragment by using LifecycleBinder . It inspired by Glide
For problem two, it still have not a good solution , you must be carefull when call in multiple threads
This project will keep updating, if you find some other troublesome problem, just send email: to me
笔名: 欧阳锋
爱好: 编程,旅游,运动
擅长: Android/iOS/Java Web/C++/Kotlin
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签名: 做一个有理想的程序员
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