
RTP-LLM: Alibaba's high-performance LLM inference engine for diverse applications.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

English 中文


  • rtp-llm is an LLM inference acceleration engine developed by Alibaba's big model prediction team. rtp-llm is widely used within Alibaba and supports the large model inference operations of various departments, including Taobao, Tmall, Cainiao, Amap, Ele.me, AE, Lazada, and others.
  • rtp-llm offers high-performance, low-cost, and user-friendly inference services, helping customers and developers tailor inference services suitable for their own businesses, thus boosting business growth.
  • rtp-llm is a subproject of the havenask project.


High Performance

  • Utilizes high-performance cuda kernels.
  • The framework has finely optimized the overhead of dynamic batching.
  • Supports paged attention and kv cache quantization.
  • Supports flash attention2.
  • Supports weight only INT8 quantization with automatic quantization at load time.
  • Specially optimized for the V100.

Extremely Flexible and Easy to Use

  • Seamlessly interfaces with popular HuggingFace models, supporting multiple weight formats without the need for additional conversion processes.
  • Supports deployment of multiple LoRA services with a single model instance.
  • Supports multimodal inputs (mixed image and text).
  • Supports multi-machine/multi-card tensor parallelism.
  • Supports loading P-tuning models.

Advanced Inference Acceleration Methods

  • Supports loading of irregular models after pruning.
  • Supports multi-round dialogue context Cache.
  • Supports Speculative Decoding acceleration.
  • Supports Medusa acceleration.

How to Use


  • Operating System: Linux
  • Python: 3.10
  • NVIDIA GPU: Compute Capability 7.0 or higher (e.g., V100, T4, RTX20xx, A100, L4, H100, etc.)

Installation and Startup

# Install rtp-llm
cd rtp-llm
# For cuda12 environment, please use requirements_torch_gpu_cuda12.txt
pip3 install -r ./open_source/deps/requirements_torch_gpu.txt 
# Use the corresponding whl from the release version, here's an example for the cuda11 version 0.1.0, for the cuda12 whl package please check the release page.
pip3 install maga_transformer-0.0.1+cuda118-cp310-cp310-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
# Modify the model path in test.py, and start the program directly
python3 example/test.py
# Or start the http service
# rtp-llm uses fastapi to build high-performance model services and uses asynchronous programming to minimize CPU thread pressure interference with efficient GPU operation
export TOKENIZER_PATH=/path/to/tokenizer
export CHECKPOINT_PATH=/path/to/model
python3 -m maga_transformer.start_server
# request to server
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8088 -d '{"prompt": "hello, what is your name", "generate_config": {"max_new_tokens": 1000}}'

Refer to the detailed documentation below for model configuration parameters, etc.



Our project is mainly based on FasterTransformer, and on this basis, we have integrated some kernel implementations from TensorRT-LLM. FasterTransformer and TensorRT-LLM have provided us with reliable performance guarantees. Flash-Attention2 and cutlass have also provided a lot of help in our continuous performance optimization process. Our continuous batching and increment decoding draw on the implementation of vllm; sampling draws on transformers, with speculative sampling integrating Medusa's implementation, and the multimodal part integrating implementations from llava and qwen-vl. We thank these projects for their inspiration and help.

External Application Scenarios (Continuously Updated)

Supported Model List


  • Aquila and Aquila2 (BAAI/AquilaChat2-7B, BAAI/AquilaChat2-34B, BAAI/Aquila-7B, BAAI/AquilaChat-7B, etc.)
  • Baichuan and Baichuan2 (baichuan-inc/Baichuan2-13B-Chat, baichuan-inc/Baichuan-7B)
  • Bloom (bigscience/bloom, bigscience/bloomz)
  • ChatGlm (THUDM/chatglm2-6b, THUDM/chatglm3-6b)
  • Falcon (tiiuae/falcon-7b, tiiuae/falcon-40b, tiiuae/falcon-rw-7b, etc.)
  • GptNeox (EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b)
  • GPT BigCode (bigcode/starcoder, etc.)
  • LLaMA and LLaMA-2 (meta-llama/Llama-2-7b, meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf, meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf, lmsys/vicuna-33b-v1.3, 01-ai/Yi-34B, xverse/XVERSE-13B, etc.)
  • MPT (mosaicml/mpt-30b-chat, etc.)
  • Phi (microsoft/phi-1_5, etc.)
  • Qwen (Qwen/Qwen-7B, Qwen/Qwen-7B-Chat, Qwen/Qwen-14B, Qwen/Qwen-14B-Chat, etc.)
  • InternLM (internlm/internlm-7b, internlm/internlm-chat-7b, etc.)

LLM + Multimodal

  • LLAVA (liuhaotian/llava-v1.5-13b, liuhaotian/llava-v1.5-7b)
  • Qwen-VL (Qwen/Qwen-VL)

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