
To use pytorch 0.4 for DML , I transfer to VGG (with network modified to torch0.4)

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Metric Learning

Learn a deep metric which can be used image retrieval , clustering.


Pytorch Code for deep metric methods:

  • Contrasstive Loss

  • Batch-All-Loss and Batch-Hard-Loss

    2 Loss Functions in In Defense of Triplet Loss in ReID

  • HistogramLoss

    Learning Deep Embeddings with Histogram Loss

  • BinDevianceLoss

    Self - Modified Version with better performance

    Baseline method in BIER(Deep Metric Learning with BIER: Boosting Independent Embeddings Robustly)

  • NCA Loss

    Learning a Nonlinear Embedding by Preserving Class Neighbourhood Structure -Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoffrey Hinton


  • Car-196

    first 98 classes as train set and last 98 classes as test set

  • CUB-200-2011

    first 100 classes as train set and last 100 classes as test set

  • Stanford-Online

    for the experiments, we split 59,551 images of 11,318 classes for training and 60,502 images of 11,316 classes for testing

  • [In-Shop-clothes]

After downloading all the three data file, you should precess them as above, and put the directionary named DataSet in the project. We provide a script to precess CUB( Deep_Metric/DataSet/split_dataset.py ) Car and Stanford online products.

Pretrained models in Pytorch

Pre-trained VGG-16-BN


  • Computer with Linux or OSX
  • For training, an NVIDIA GPU is strongly recommended for speed. CPU is supported but training may be slow.
  • Pytorch 0.4.0

Performance of Loss:

To be clear and simple, I only provide Rank@1 on DataSets without test augment. Because, in most case, more higher the Rank@1 is, more higher the Rank@K.

In_shop_clothes result wil be updated in the near future.

Loss Function Rank@1(%)
BinDeviance Loss 66.5
NCA Loss 61.7

Reproducing Car-196 (or CUB-200-2011) experiments

With BinDeviance Loss :

sh run_train_00.sh