:battery: The comprehensive toolkit for developing plugins and widgets for Figma and FigJam
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Possible lint error
#251 opened by jamesgrubb - 6
- 0
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Update `@create-figma-plugin/ui` to UI3
#239 opened by yuanqing - 1
Build fails
#198 opened by Antonytm - 3
Uncaught Error: No UI defined for command 'generate'
#220 opened by zicen - 0
feat: new `Flex` component
#240 opened by tresorama - 1
feature request: accept a map of ui in manifest
#248 opened by artivilla - 1
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esbuild plug-ins postcss / tailwindcss not working
#229 opened by emkayy - 1
Emit and on are not working
#243 opened by amitraut777 - 2
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Building with 3.0.2 fails on Windows if there's a `build-figma-plugin.ui.cjs` file in the repo
#205 opened by fwextensions - 4
Importing UI components from a package and then rendering them causes esbuild error
#200 opened by fwextensions - 0
#241 opened by oren-shlomi - 5
Could not resolve imported module
#238 opened by davestewart - 0
Unnecessary css gets generated after build
#228 opened by ZSuraj - 1
missing support for fragements
#232 opened by artivilla - 0
- 0
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type error on figma.loadAllPagesAsync()
#231 opened by kjfeng - 5
`networkAccess` stripped from manifest.json
#223 opened by frisfruitig - 6
type error - Type 'Parameters<NonNullable<EventHandler>>' does not satisfy the constraint 'never[]'
#227 opened by broisnischal - 2
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Different env files for dev and prod
#189 opened by oren-shlomi - 0
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Swap ESBuild for Bun
#190 opened by ben-katz - 2
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Npm watch not updated interface plugin in figma
#215 opened by lucasmiqueias - 1
get the list of elements in canonical order
#219 opened by leo-martin - 1
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Support for the new dynamic page loading
#222 opened by TantanLight - 5
Error: Can't build `plugin/preact-rectangles` or `plugin/preact-resizable` templates
#226 opened by jacktowery - 4
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Do you have any plans to apply for codegen
#218 opened by mineclover - 3
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Make Preact Compat Plugin optional
#212 opened by TheUltDev - 1
Npm install fails
#208 opened by rdaud - 2
Type error when try to use plugin/react-editor
#207 opened by insanicly - 3
Pressing enter in a TextBox shouldn't blur it
#192 opened by fwextensions - 1
`package.json` should not show an error if `"menu"` contains multiple separators
#204 opened by yuanqing - 6
Plugin with menu and codegen doesn't work
#202 opened by psharanda - 0
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Using a `build-figma-plugin.main.js` file throws an `Unexpected token 'export'` error when building
#197 opened by fwextensions - 1
Stop importing `Inter` font from googleapis
#188 opened by gluck - 0
Focusing a dropdown shouldn't show its menu
#193 opened by fwextensions - 1
Building `preact-rectangles` template fails due to TS error from missing `space` prop
#199 opened by fwextensions - 2
`events.ts` assumes all messages sent between UI and main processes are arrays
#180 opened by fwextensions - 1
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Plugins/widgets bootstrapped using `create-figma-plugin` should include a `.gitignore`
#173 opened by yuanqing