
:earth_asia: A lightweight Promise-returning helper for loading the Google Maps JavaScript API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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A lightweight Promise-returning helper for loading the Google Maps JavaScript API

  • The Promise’s fulfilled callback is passed the google.maps object
  • Optionally set a timeout, an API key, the language, and more


Editable demo (CodePen)

const loadGoogleMapsApi = require('load-google-maps-api')

loadGoogleMapsApi().then(function (googleMaps) {
  new googleMaps.Map(document.querySelector('.map'), {
    center: {
      lat: 40.7484405,
      lng: -73.9944191
    zoom: 12
}).catch(function (error) {

N.B. Just like the Google Maps API itself, this module is client-side only.


Without this module, you would need to specify a named global callback, and pass said callback’s name as a parameter in the script tag’s src. For example:

window.googleMapsOnLoad = function () {
  // `window.google.maps` available here
<script async defer src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?callback=googleMapsOnLoad"></script>

This module abstracts this ceremony away, and fits better with modern bundlers like Browserify or Webpack.


const loadGoogleMapsApi = require('load-google-maps-api')


Returns a Promise.

  • Fulfilled if loading was successful. The fulfilled callback is passed the google.maps object. If loadGoogleMapsApi is called multiple times on a page, the fulfilled callback will be passed the previously-loaded google.maps object.
  • Rejected if we weren’t able to load the Google Maps API after options.timeout.

See Usage.

options is an optional object literal:

Key Description Default
apiUrl The Google Maps API script tag URL 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js'
channel Client usage reporting channel undefined
client Client ID undefined
key Your API key undefined
language Language undefined
libraries Supplemental libraries to load []
region Region undefined
timeout Time in milliseconds before rejecting the Promise 10000
v API version undefined


$ yarn add load-google-maps-api
