
Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method with Polygon or Particle wall. C++/OpenMP code for physical simulation of fluid with presence of free surface

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A C++ code for numerical modelling of free-surface flow 🌊 using Explicit, Weakly Compressible or Incompressible Moving Particle Simulation/Semi-implicit (MPS) method. Boundary walls modeled by polygonal mesh (triangles) or particles (walls and dummies).

How to cite PolyMPS ?

If you use PolyMPS, please cite the following reference:

Rubens Augusto Amaro Junior, Alfredo Gay Neto and Liang-Yee Cheng, "3D WC-MPS coupled with geometrically nonlinear shell for hydro-elastic free-surface flows", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.5083


In order to install C++ compiler (GCC) on windows, we recommend to install Cygwin. You can find here how to install Cygwin. The following Packages should be selected during the Cygwin installation:

  • automake
  • gcc-core
  • gcc-fortran
  • gcc-g++
  • gdb
  • libstdc++
  • make

Eigen, libigl and JSON for Modern C++ are third party header-only libraries, i.e., they do not need to be separately compiled, packaged and installed to be used 😍.

MPS input files

  • Boundary walls using triangular meshes. It is necessary to create a file (extension .stl) with informations about the initial geometry.
  • Boundary walls using particles. Necessary to add one layer of wall particles (material ID = 2) and two layers of dummy particles (material ID = 3) in the .grid file.
  1. FLUID DOMAIN: it is necessary to create a file (extension .grid) with informations about the initial geometry and some numerical and physical parameters:
  • First line: 0
  • Second line: number of particles
  • Next lines in the columns: material ID coordinates of particles X Y Z the initial fluid velocities (generally 0.0) VX VY VZ the initial particle pressure (generally 0.0) P and presure average (generally 0.0) PAV
  1. FOLDERNAMES, FILENAMES, PHYSICAL and NUMERICAL parameters: it is necessary to create a file (extension .json) and set all parameters.

There are some examples in the folder input.


Code compiled and tested on Windows 7, and Linux CentOS 7 and Ubuntu64.

You can build the project in GNU/Linux using the makefile. Follow these steps (CPU version):

Clone this repository into your system using terminal in Linux, and Git BASH or command prompt (cmd) in Windows

git clone https://github.com/rubensaaj/polymps.git

Go to the folder polymps

cd polymps

Now, clone the third party libraries. You must run two commands

git submodule init

to initialize your local configuration file, and

git submodule update

to fetch all the data from the third party libraries.

Edit the Makefile file (if necessary) with a text editor.

Make sure the environment is clean and ready to compile

make clean

Execute make

make all

This should create a binary main in folder bin



In the terminal, type


You can do this in two ways:

1st way - In the command prompt, type


2nd way - Move the main.exe from the folder bin to the root folder polymps. After that, double click on main.exe.


Type the name of the json input file (located in input directory), e.g.


Additional Note

⚠️ If the terminal shows an error message at this step, the problem may be related to the input file dam1610_3D_fluid_lo0p010_mps.grid. Please, go to the directory input/grid and extract the compressed folder grid.zip in the grid directory itself. Check if dam1610_3D_fluid_lo0p010_mps.grid contains the data mentioned before in FLUID DOMAIN. After that, try to run the code again.


This code writes pvd (header file) and corresponding vtu files as output. Look in the output directory. You can visualize them by open the pvd file with Paraview 👓.


The PolyMPS contains several files and directories:

File/Folder Description
eigen library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms
include header files
input simple input examples (json, grid and stl files). Grid files compressed in a folder
libigl geometry processing library
json file that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects
output ouput files (pvd, vtu and txt files)
src source files
Makefile set of tasks to compile the program
README text file


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.