
1. Intro

  • This repo is a implementation of MultiFace
  • Pretrained models are posted, include the MobileFacenet and IR-SE100 in the original paper

2. Pretrained Models & Performance

IR-SE100 @ GoogleDrive

Loss AgeDB-30(%) CFP-FP(%) calfw(%) cplfw(%)
Multi-Arcface(N=2) 98.20 98.30 96.02 93.17
Multi-Cosface(N=2) 98.20 98.40 96.07 93.06

Mobilefacenet @ GoogleDrive

Loss LFW(%) CFP-FP(%) AgeDB-30(%) calfw(%) cplfw(%)
Softmax 99.22 92.84 94.00 93.80 88.30
Multi-Softmax(N=4) 99.40 95.46 95.25 95.15 90.22
Loss LFW(%) CFP-FP(%) AgeDB-30(%) calfw(%) cplfw(%)
Arcface 99.45 92.27 96.03 95.12 87.75
Multi-Arcface(N=2) 99.52 93.41 96.35 95.28 88.65
Cosface 99.43 92.83 95.77 94.97 88.88
Multi-Cosface(N=2) 99.50 93.58 96.17 95.20 89.03
Multi-Cosface(N=4) 99.60 94.11 96.13 95.18 89.47

3. Training and Testing

3.1 Prepare training dataset

download the refined dataset: (emore recommended, our method is suitable for larger dataset )

            ---> agedb_30
            ---> calfw
            ---> cfp_ff
            --->  cfp_fp
            ---> cfp_fp
            ---> cplfw
            ---> lfw
            ---> vgg2_fp

3.2 Training:

# mobilefacenet loss:softmax  num_sphere:2 
python --num_sphere 2 --work_path [save log and model information]

# mobilefacenet loss:arcface  num_sphere:2 
python --num_sphere 2 --arcface_loss --work_path [save log and model information]

# mobilefacenet loss:cosface  num_sphere:2 
python --num_sphere 2 --am_softmax_loss --work_path [save log and model information]

# ir-se100 loss:arcface  num_sphere:2 
python --num_sphere 2 --arcface_loss --net ir_se -depth 100 --work_path [save log and model information]

# ir-se100 loss:cosface  num_sphere:2 
python --num_sphere 2 --am_softmax_loss --net ir_se -depth 100 --work_path [save log and model information]

3.3 Testing

Evaluating the model on LFW, Age-DB, CFP-FP, CALFW, CPLFW

#pretrained mobilefacenet
python --pretrain --pretrained_model_path [mobilefacenet_pretrained_model_path]

#pretrained ir-se 100
python --pretrain -net ir_se -depth 100 --work_path [resnet_pretrained_model_path]

To evaluate on Megaface, please refer to megaface-evaluation.

4. References
