- OS: Mac OS 10.13.3
- Language: C++11, Python3
- Libraries: For C++ : OpenCV3.4. For Python3: OpenCV, numpy, matplotlib
- Run cpp file for calibration, calculate HDR and save HDR results:
If you have c++ and opencv environment, you can use your IDE to run the code "hdr.cpp" directly.
Or if you are a Mac user: In terminal, go to the root directory of this project, run command "make".
The results images will be saved at the project root directory as "HDR1_res.JPG" and "HDR2_res.JPG". The folder "res" contains all the plotting and image results.
- Plot:
After running "hdr.cpp", the data used for plotting will be saved in the folder.
run command "python3 plot.py" to plot the figures for question 1.
run command "python3 plot_histogram.py -q2" to plot the histograms for question 2.
run command "python3 plot_histogram.py -q3" to plot the histograms for question 3 (Should run hdr.cpp first).