Exported scene from Unity to ThreeJS
To export scene select Tools -> UnityToThreeJs -> Export (or use hotkey ctrl+shift+alt+p) Export results you may see in logs.
- Exports object hierarchy (with childs)
- DirectionLight as DirectionLight
- Camera as PerspectiveCamera
- Meshes as BufferGeometry
- TODO: matrials and textures support
- Unity uses Right-handed coordinate system, ThreeJS(WebGL) uses Left-handed coordinate system! (to workaround it, x part in projectionMatrix in TheeJS side is flipped)
- Unity camera looks in z direction, but Thee.js camera looks in -z direction! (to workaround it, camera transform matrix is rotated 180 degrees around local up axis)
- Plane is not rendered because of backface culling (after flip x)
- If you have problems with GoogleChrome security, use "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="%PATH_TO_RESULT%" --disable-web-security or start index.html from IDE (JetbrainsRider does the job)
Usefull Links
- https://threejs.org/docs/
- https://threejs.org/examples/
- https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/JSON-Object-Scene-format-4
- http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/beginners-tutorials/tutorial-3-matrices/
For debug in UnitySceneRunner you can change active camera to debug camera (line 47-48) to easily watch scene from different side with orbit control (Use mouse)