
This repository contains 2 ethereum services interact with ethereum RPC service

1 API Service

1 Get last n blocks [implemented with goroutine]

request method: GET
request uri: /blocks
request header: {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'
query paramter: {
  limit: 1
response header: 200 OK
response body: {
  "blocks": [{
    "block_num": 1,
    "block_hash": "",
    "block_time": 12356789,
    "parent_hash": ""

get block by id [implemented with just jsonrpc]

request method: GET
request uri: /blocks
request header: {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'
path parameter: {
  id: $id_value
response header: 200 OK
response body: {
    "block_num": 1,
    "block_hash": "",
    "block_time": 12356789,
    "parent_hash": "",
    "transactions": [

get transaction data with event logs [implemented with just jsonrpc]

request method: GET
request uri: /blocks
request header: {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'
path paramter: {
  txHash: $txHash_value
response header: 200 OK
response body: {
  "tx_hash": "0x666",
  "from": "0x4321",
  "to": "0x1234",
  "nonce": 1,
  "data": "0xeb12",
  "value": "12345678",
  "logs": [
      "index": 0,
      "data": "0x12345678"

2 Ethereum block indexer service[doing]

根據 web3 API 透過 RPC 將區塊內的資料掃進 db


go test -v ./tests/