This repo contains a JAX implementation of variational Latent Gaussian Process (vLGP) (arXiv) (video) by Yuan Zhao ( and Il Memming Park ( It has been developed with the goal of recovering low-dimensional dynamics from neural population recordings.
pip install git+
Learn how to use it in the example.
A single trialy
spike trainx
design matrix of regressors, see pyneuroglm for building design matrixt
timing of bins, useful for unevenly spaced timing and nonstationary kernelsz
factor posterior meanv
factor posterior variances
A container of trialstrials
list ofTrial
binwidth if evenly spaced
number of latent factorsC
loading matrix, (n_factors + n_regressors, n_neurons)K
kernel matricesargs
algorithm settings
from vlgpax import Session, vi
from vlgpax.kernel import RBF
binsize = 1e-2
session = Session(binsize)
# Add trials to the session
session.add_trial(tid=1, y=y) # ID, spike train, ...
# ...
# Kernel function k(x, y) = scale * exp(-0.5 ||x/lengthscale - y/lengthsale||^2)
kernel = RBF(scale=1., lengthscale=100.) # lengthscale has the same unit as that of binsize
session, params =, n_factors=2, kernel=kernel)
author = {Yuan Zhao and Il Memming Park},
title = {Variational Latent Gaussian Process for Recovering Single-Trial Dynamics from Population Spike Trains},
journal = {Neural Computation},
year = {2017},
volume = {29},
number = {5},
pages = {1293--1316},
month = {may},
doi = {10.1162/neco_a_00953},
publisher = {{MIT} Press - Journals},