Official code for "DreamPolisher: Towards High-Quality Text-to-3D Generation via Geometric Diffusion"
- 87003697The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- aduchon
- camenduru🥪tost.ai
- Ch180907
- ChuXiaoyuu
- devpage
- FeMa42Chair of Mechatronics - University of Augsburg
- ForrestPiXi’an Jiaotong University
- guohengkaiByteDance Inc
- JAMESYJLTsinghua University / ShengShu
- jclarkk
- kcxiong118
- limsanky
- LiRunyi2001Peking University
- LiuHengyu321The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- mancevd
- moonsliuTsinghua University
- onevfallThe Chinses University of Hong Kong
- Pent
- Pseudopode
- r530044129ShenZhen
- redredbluee
- saidwivediMax Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
- SamirMahmudzade
- SandalotsVolcanak
- sauradip@university-of-surrey
- SmashinFries@KuzuLabz
- taoranyiHUST
- TGLTommy
- thj2333
- timegate
- UMGrain
- whuhxb
- yhyang-myronThe University of Hong Kong
- YixunLiangHKUST(GZ)
- yuanze-linUniversity of Oxford