Start Learning android

Hey this is first step by step tutorial to learn how to begin the android programming Hello World


Before you begin to start android programming you are required to have the following ready on your computer.

  • ADT (Android development tool)Bundle To get the latest ADT Bundle visit this site Android developer website.
  • Latest JDK installed And a cup of coffee..

Lets Begin

  1. Extract the android studio bundle Zip and go to

If Linux user android-studio > bin> and click it, Your android studio will start.

  1. If Windows User

click on sutdio.exe file

After android studio opens

  1. click file
  2. click new project after that this window will appears.

click file

Application Name *This is the name of your application * Package name *This is the package name of your application, this is the key from where google play identifies your application among billion of other application. * Project Location This location specifies where to store your project.

Setup application

enter image description here

Minimum SDK As android has various versions exists in the market. This option allow you to choose to target the minimum version that your application can opeate. While choosing the minimums SDK consider on following things

Number of active users on minimum version. choosing lowest minimum version possible could be dangerous sometimes as the low end device could not give best performance and degrades the user experience. click Next

Add Activity to Application

enter image description here

**Choose Activity ** Lets consider the android application is a book then as book is made of many pages, same like application are group of many Activities. so Activity is just like a page. You can choose any activity as needs but for the first learning lets choose the blank activity.

Customize the Activity

enter image description here

As by default Your first activity is named as MainActivity . Generally its better to leave as it is. You can also change the name ans set as you want. Activity need the layout every thing you see is termed as view and combined called layout.This Layout is set with MainActivity. All the view is designed and put in the layout and the controllers are written the MainActivity.

And here You Go

enter image description here

This is your first android application completed. Cheers!!! Wait.. Wait.. Here are some more few tips for you before you begin with first Helloworld application. This is the java file created by android studio. All the view associated with this file is programmed in here. activity_main This is the default layout created by android studio and associated with main activity.

Layout file

enter image description here

This is the layout file created by default , now click on green play like run button and your first android applicaton will start. Congratulations Now you are android developer.


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Next Tutorial

  1. Listview (Simple Listview and custom ListView)
  2. Storage Options(SharedPreferences and sqlite with complete example)