
Cppwork project for my cpp projects

Primary LanguageC++

CPP Work

CPP Work contains some funny tools for image comparation, snowflake connection and json parse tools for CPP.

How to run it?

Download the code to local,

git clone git@git.appannie.org:fzhu/cppwork.git

Create a docker container on your local machine,

cd cppwork

docker run --name fedora-cpp --privileged -d -ti -v .:/cppwork registry.appannie.org/appannie/aa-docker-test/fedora-cpp:v1.1.1  bash

Go into the docker,

docker exec -ti fedora-cpp bash

Then make the target project, and run the test for it

# images_timeline for an example

cd /cppwork/include/images_timeline/test/build

rm -fr *

cmake ..


./images_test --gtest_filter="*Icon*"


Any problem pls feel free to contact fzhu@appannie.com.