A must-have configuration for Spacemacs users after defecting to Vim
If you want the power of VSCode, the interactivity of Spacemacs, and the text-objects of Vim, I highly recommend you try this configuration.
Spacemacs operating experience:
a. shortcuts: spacemacs style keyboard shortcuts with which-key,
b. ivy: Telescope like ivy and helm-swoop
c. layers: spacemacs layer abstraction
d. customization: like spacemacs, it can be easily customized by users in particular
e. etc.
Looking forward to your continued exploration, there are some screenshots
If you're worried about breaking your current vim configuration but want to try it out for yourself, you can use docker to give it a quick try in an isolated environment:
docker run -it -w /root/.config/nvim yetone/cosmos-nvim nvim
Only Neovim 6.0 and above are supported, please refer to the official installation documentation of Neovim: Install Neovim
Go to Nerd Fonts homepage to download the patched fonts you are currently using.
If you are using iTerm2 and expect the iTerm colors to blend well with cosmos-nvim colors, it is highly recommended to install and use this colorscheme for iTerm2.
mv ~/.config/nvim{,.yetone-backup} || true
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/yetone/cosmos-nvim.git ~/.config/nvim
For example, if you are writing Python
, you will need to open nvim and run the following command:
:LspInstall python
If you want to define your own configuration, you can create a file called .cosmos-nvim.lua
in the $HOME
root directory (the shortchut is leader - f - e - d), for example:
local cosmos = require('core.cosmos')
return {
layers = {
enable_beacon = false,
enable_smooth_scrolling = false,
tab_complete_copilot_first = false,
options = {
-- python3_host_prog = '~/.pyenv/versions/nvim-py3/bin/python',
before_setup = function()
-- cosmos.add_plugin('wakatime/vim-wakatime')
after_setup = function()
-- cosmos.add_leader_keymapping('n|aw', { '<cmd>WakaTimeToday<cr>', name = 'WakaTime Today' })
Note: When you have finished changing the configuration file, always remember to restart nvim and run :PackerSync