Publish Cache

A Meteor package designed to provide a snapshot of dataset to the clients.


Publish Cache is a Meteor package designed to provide a new way to access the Read heavy collection without the expensive livedata from regular Meteor pubsub.


It is designed to be similiar to Meteor's own pubsub API.


Meteor.publishCache(name, func, options): publish a record set


name(String, required):

Name of the record set. It can't not be null or undefined.

func(Function, required):

Function called on the server each time a client subscribeCaches. Inside the function, this is bound to a method invocation object, which has the same properties as Meteor.methods. This function can return a Collection cursor, or array of collection cursors.


Meteor.subscribeCache(name [, arg1, arg2, ...] [, callbacks])


name (String, required):

Name of the subscription cache. Matches the name of ther server's publishCache() call.

arg1, arg2, ... (Any optional):

Optional arguments passed to the publish Cache function on server

callbacks (Function or Object optional):

Optional. May include onError and onReady callbacks. If a function is passed instead of an object, it will interpreted as an onReady callback.

Usage Pattern and Examples

Basic: return a cursor

    Items = new Meteor.Collection('items');
    if (Meteor.isServer) {
      //we want to get info on other items that share the same tag.
      Meteor.publishCache('additionalItems', function (tag) {
        return Items.find({tag: tag});
    if (Meteor.isClient) {
      Meteor.subscribeCache('additionalItems', 'someTag');

Return Array of cursors

We can return an array of cursors. Instead of populated 1 collection, we can populated more.

    Books = new Meteor.Collection('books');
    Authors = new Meteor.Collection('authors');
    if (Meteor.isServer) {
      Meteor.publishCache('authorInfo', function (name) {
        var bookCursor = Books.find({author: name});
        var authroCursor = Authors.find({name: name});
        return [bookCursor, authorCursos];
    if (Meteor.isClient) {
      Meteor.Cache('authorInfo', name);

Unblock DDP message queue

Since DDP messages (subscription and method) are processed in a sequence, sometimes, we want the subscription that router are depend on executes first.

In this example, we want to render the page, as soon as the first 5 game scores loaded to client. So we could create a small pub that grab the first five. And use publishCache package to get rest of them without blocking the DDP message queue.

    SportsScores = new Meteor.Collection('sports_scores');
    if (Meteor.isServer) {
      Meteor.publish('todayScores', function (sportType) {
        return SportsScores.find({type: sportType}, {limit: 5, sort: {date: -1}});
      Meteor.publishCache('todayScoresAll', function (sportType) {
        return SportsScores.find({type: sportType}, {sort: {date: -1}});
      }, {unblock: true});
    if (Meteor.isClient) {
    //Using Iron router as an example () {
        this.route('todayScores', {
          path: '/scores/:type',
          waitOn: function () {
            Meteor.subscribeCache('todayScoresAll', this.params.type);
            return Meteor.subscribe('todayScores', this.params.type);
