
Primary LanguageObjective-CGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

TopOn-iOS-Pod-Demo SDK for iOS

CocoaPods Compatible Platform

TopOn is an ad mediation platform that helps global app developers to find a perfect fit for your monetization strategy. We have more than 35 million DAU, 400 million daily ad impression and 3.5 billion daily ad request. In China, TopOn becomes the Top #1 mediation platform.


Official website : https://www.toponad.com/

Business Cooperation : business@toponad.com

Market Cooperation : leon@toponad.com

Technical Support : support@toponad.com

QQ & wechat 188108875(Harry)

Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like the TopOn-iOS-SDK in your projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

Podfile To integrate AnyThinkiOS SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'AnyThinkSDKDemo' do
      pod 'AnyThinkiOS','sdk_version'


By default, you get mediation core and all ad network adapters, if you only mediation some ad networks , you need to specify it.

Podfile example:

pod 'AnyThinkiOS/AnyThinkFacebookAdapter'
pod 'AnyThinkiOS/AnyThinkAdmobAdapter'
pod 'AnyThinkiOS/AnyThinkTouTiaoAdapter'
pod 'AnyThinkiOS/AnyThinkMintegralAdapter'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


  • iOS 9.0 and up
  • Xcode 9.3 and up

Integration instructions



See the LICENSE file.