
banner picture 1

How to use ?

1st link the css and js file in the html document

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/mighty-carousel.css"/>
<script src="js/mighty-carousel.js"></script>

The carousel's html code should look like this

<div class="mc" id="mighty-carousel" data-autoscroll="" data-indicators="" data-controls="">
      <div class="mc-inner" data-imgps="">
          <div class="mc-item">
            <img class="mc-img" src="...">
            <div class="mc-caption">

banner picture 1

You can add as many mc-items as you want.

Furthermore you can display multiple images per slide by changing imgps dataset.

The maximum value that the imgps dataset can take should be 1 less than the length of the added items.

data-imgps="{maxlength - 1}"

You can change autoscroll dataset for how many seconds you want slide. If you dont want autoscroll you can type "0" or just left it empty.


If you want indicators change indicators dataset to true. Indicators are only available when imgps dataset is not set.


You can enable slide control buttons by changing controls dataset to true
