Full Web App React Nodejs w/ GraphQL Tailwind and Docker From Zero To Deployment | Master MERN STACK

About What you'll Learn

This is an amazingly looking Reactjs website with Tailwind CSS, styled-components, and Apollo GraphQL alongside its Node.js/Express.js Server Side app or putting together a full dedicated Car Models GraphQL API built on top of Nest.js Framework. The final steps are Dockerizing the whole Stack with MySQL Docker image and using the Nginx Rever proxy to serve the running Nodejs applications on the server. We will take the whole dockerized MERN stack application and Deploy it on a Dedicated VPS from Hostinger and this is all in one video for you to master Web Development with React.js, Apollo GraphQL, Typescript, Tailwind, Responsive Design, Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, TypeORM, Docker, Docker Compose and VPS.

Infrastructure model

Insfrastructure model