
A C++ library that allows you to plot data just as in MATLAB

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A C++ library that allows you to plot just as in MATLAB


  • Windows, Linux, OS X
  • Tested on g++, clang++
  • C++11 (API simplified a lot by std::initializer_list)
  • gnuplot 4.6 and above in $PATH

Quick examples

1. Simple curve


Include the header file eggplot.h and assume x and t are vector<double> of the same length:

eggp::Eggplot curvePlot; 


The code above will plot x against t with default labels for both axes. The function call .exec() must be the last command and object initialization eggp::Eggplot objectName must be the first. The orders of all the other setup and plot commands can be arbitrary. See function example1 in src/main.cpp.

2. Multiple curves with legends


Include the header file eggplot.h and assume x1, x2, and t are vector<double> of the same length:

eggp::Eggplot curvePlot; 

curvePlot.ylabel("pdf_{{/Symbol m},{/Symbol s}} (x)");  // enhanced texts

curvePlot.plot({ t,x1, t,x2 });  // plot two curves by cascading data pairs

curvePlot.legend({"{/Symbol l}=1",
                  "{/Symbol l}=4"});
curvePlot.grid(true);            // turn on grids


Eggplot can plot more than one curve simultaneously on the same plot by cascading data pairs just as in MATLAB. Legends can be set up in a similar manner.

Texts can be formatted with subscripts ("_"), superscript ("^"), and breaklines ("\\n"). Greek letters and other symbols are represented in different syntaxes from Latex. See here for a list of available symbols. See function example2 in src/main.cpp.

3. Curve customization


The assumptions are the same as the previous example:

eggp::Eggplot curvePlot;

curvePlot.plot({ t,x1, t,x2 });

using namespace eggp;

// multiple property setup in one statement
curvePlot.linespec(1, {{MarkerSize, "0.5"}, {Marker, "*"}});

// single property setup in multiple statements
curvePlot.linespec(2, Color, "b");
curvePlot.linespec(2, LineWidth, 2);
curvePlot.linespec(2, Marker, "none");


Member function .linespec() customizes the line with the specified index. Two propertypes are implemented: the first one utilizes std::initializer_list and the 2nd one sets up a single property.

Customizable properties include LineStyle, LineWidth, Marker, MarkerSize, and Color, each of which is defined within the namespace eggp. A list of options can be referred in the API section. See function example3 in src/main.cpp.

4. File export

Eggplot can export plots to various image types, including .png, .eps, .pdf, .html, and .svg.

eggp::Eggplot curvePlot(SCREEN|PNG|EPS|PDF|HTML|SVG);

// set export file name, default: "eggp-export"

curvePlot.plot({ t,x1, t,x2 });

The output files will then be eggp-export.png, eggp-export.eps, and so on. Note that both EPS and PDF modes also support LaTeX-formatted texts. See function example4 in src/main.cpp.


class eggp::Eggplot


  • Eggplot(unsigned mode=eggp::SCREEN) initializes object and sets up where to plot. The default is eggp::SCREEN to plot on screen. Other output modes include eggp::PNG, eggp::EPS, eggp::PDF, eggp::HTML, and eggp::SVG that plot in .png, .eps, .pdf, .html, and .svg files, respectively.

Member functions

#####Text Related

  • void xlabel(const std::string &label) sets up x axis label

  • void ylabel(const std::string &label) sets up y axis label

  • void title(const std::string &label) sets up figure title

  • void legend(std::initializer_list<std::string> legendVec) sets up figure legeneds. If the length of legendVec is shorter than the number of curves, default legends will be used for those whose legends are not specified.

#####Line Property Related

  • void linespec(unsigned lineIndex, LineSpecInput lineSpec) customizes curves with the index lineIndex, starting from 1. LineSpecInput is a std::map that takes different LineProperty (eggp::LineStyle, eggp::LineWidth, eggp::Marker, eggp::MarkerSize, eggp::Color) as the key and a string as the value. In practice, written the curve setups in an initializer list is useful as in Example 3. Color can be specified in five ways: color name, color name shortcut, hex code, decimal code, and rgb values between 0 and 1. For example, for red, "r", "red", "#ff0000", "(255,0,0)", and "[1.0, 0, 0]" are equivalent.

  • void linespec(unsigned lineIndex, LineProperty property, std::string value) customizes a single curve property. All options are the same as the previous one.

  • void linespec(unsigned lineIndex, LineProperty property, double value) customizes a single curve property with a double value. Same as the previous one except for the double data type. Only valid for eggp::LineWidth and eggp::MarkerSize.

  • void grid(bool flag) turns on or off grids of the plot

#####Output Related

  • void plot(std::initializer_list<DataVector> il) saves data in file eggp.dat. The argument must be paired (even-numbered vectors in il) such that each pair (the (2N-1)-th and (2N)-th vectors , N=1,2,...) has the same length. This command does not plot but only store data in hard drives. The actual plots and exports happen at function .exec().

  • void print(const std::string &filenameExport) sets up export file name, or the default file name eggp-export will be used, otherwise. Again, this command does not really print to files but only set up the file name. The actual print and export processes happen at function .exec().

  • void exec(bool run_gnuplot=true) executes everything. All previous functions only set up and store necessary information for plotting and export to a file. This function instead generates an actual input file eggp.gp for gnuplot and makes a system call gnuplot eggp.gp in a terminal if run_gnuplot is true. This function must be the last command before generating plots to make settings effective.

Future features

  • xtic and ytic setup
  • axis range customization
  • Other types of plots are considered also in the future.