Greedy Snake

Coding convention

  • language : C
  • struct
    • type : list_element_t
    struct list_element_t{
        struct list_element_t * next;
        struct list_element_t * prev;
    typedef struct list_element_t list_element_t;
    • field : private variables should start with underline
  • function : isFoo
    • private function should be implemented in .c file
    • public function should be defined in .h file and be implemented in .c file
    bool isFoo();
  • variable : list_element
  • const : all capital
  • object-like macro : all capital
  • function-like macro : similar to function

Data structure

typedef struct array_t array_t;
struct array_t{
    int size;
    void * _array;
    int _capacity;
#define tos(array_t *, type)
#define push(array_t *, type, var)
#define pop(array_t *)
#define resize(array_t *, type)
#define initialize(array_t *, type)

