Youtube Clone

This is a clone app of Threads app but with customized features.

Table of Contents


  • Create an account

  • Subscribe to any channel you want

  • You can like or comment on others posts

  • You can have either public user or public channel profile


  • If you are a developer, you can clone the project from the required IDEs and run it on your computer.
    • Clone this repository:
  • If you want to use the application as a user, wait for the new version to be released :)


If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow the steps below:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Clone the forked repository on your own computer:
  3. Make and test your changes.
  4. Create a pull request to upload your changes.
  5. After going through the review process, your changes will be merged into the main project.


This app allows:

  • Login and Register
  • Like or comment to others posts
  • Subscribe channels
  • Repost others posts
  • Dark and Light Theme
  • Using Getx package for navigation with animation
  • Responsive splash screen