
A RESTful application boilerplate in Go using Echo + gorm with PostgreSQL and more.

Primary LanguageGo

Api with Echo + gorm


Describe with struct your config for project.

type Config struct {
	Server struct {
		Host         string `json:"host"`
		Port         string `json:"port"`
		IsProduction bool   `json:"is_production"`
		PasswordSalt []byte `json:"password_salt"`
		JwtSecret    []byte `json:"jwt_secret"`
		Debug        bool   `json:"debug"`
	} `json:"server"`
	Postgres struct {
		Host     string `json:"host"`
		Port     string `json:"port"`
		User     string `json:"user"`
		Password string `json:"password"`
		DB       string `json:"db"`
	} `json:"postgres"`

And use file.json for value to config.

    "server": {
      "host": "",
      "port": "8080",
      "jwt_secret": "mysecret",
      "password_salt": "mysalted",
      "debug": false
    "postgres": {
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": "5432",
      "user": "backend",
      "password": "mypass",
      "db": "backend"

You can specific the path of file with flag 'config', in server.go read this flag.

	configPath := flag.String("config", "./config/production.json", "path of the config file")

	// Read config
	config, err := config.FromFile(*configPath)
	if err != nil {

And you can use configs.GetConfig() for get configs, example models/user.go

func (u *User) SetPassword() {
	cfg := config.GetConfig()
	key  := argon2.Key([]byte(u.Password), cfg.Server.PasswordSalt, 3, 32*1024, 4, 32)
	u.Password = hex.EncodeToString(key)


Contains the data structures used for communication between different layers, using gorm.

type User struct {
	RoleID       uint   `gorm:"index;not null;default:'2'" json:"role_id,omitempty" valid:"int, required"`
	FirstName    string `gorm:"type:varchar(155);not null" json:"first_name,omitempty" valid:"required"`
	LastName     string `gorm:"type:varchar(155);not null" json:"last_name,omitempty" valid:"required"`


Using repository pattern for separated the logic.

The base Repository{} has functions common like:

func (r *Repository) Find(model interface{}, filter, value string) bool {. .. }

func (r *Repository) Save(model interface{}) bool { ... }

You can create new repo that inherit of this.

type UserRepository struct {

func NewUserRepo(db *gorm.DB) *UserRepository {
	return &UserRepository{&Repository{db}}

func (ur *UserRepository) FindByCredentials(user *models.User) bool {
	if ur.DB.Where("email = ? and password = ?", user.Email, user.Password).First(&user).RecordNotFound() {
		return false

	return true


contains the API layer that wires up the HTTP routes with the corresponding service APIs.

type UserController struct{}

func (uc *UserController) Register(c echo.Context) error {...}
func (uc *UserController) Login(c echo.Context) error {...}


Register your in routes/base.go

func Init(e *echo.Echo) {

describes routes for your resources.

func RegisterUser(e *echo.Echo) {
	userController := new(resources.UserController)

	e.POST("auth/register", userController.Register)
	e.POST("auth/login", userController.Login)



Put here your custom middlewares.

We create middleware for put DB to context.

func DBMiddleware(db *gorm.DB) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return func(c echo.Context) error {
			c.Set("db", db)
			return nil


Manage connection and logic for dbs.


Put here your helpers functions.