
815 Japanese cities based on population ranking, includes map image

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Anki Deck: Japanese Cities


Anki Shared Deck: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/893061193

This anki deck includes 815 Japanese cities/wards, sorted by population. The deck includes three types of card:

  1. Japanese city name / Romaji city name
  2. Romaji city name / Japanese city name
  3. Map

Map Customization:

The map file is generated with Google Map API, with map label customization. It hides the city and prefecture text and shows the train station and attraction. This aims to improve geography knowledge.

Map label customization made with https://mapstyle.withgoogle.com/, customized JSON file included. You can either build on current customization with import gmap_style.json on the website or build customization from scratch.

Google Map static image URL format:


Reference: Google Map API Static Maps Developer Guide

Zoom Level:

    1: World
    5: Landmass/continent
    10: City
    15: Streets
    20: Buildings


    1: Regualr
    2: High resolution
    4: Premium(not available for regular api)

Deck Field:

  1. Japanese Prefecture
  2. Japanese City
  3. Romaji Prefecture
  4. Romaji City
  5. Population (Survey: April 2018)
  6. Image Html Code

Reference: Japanese City Ranking by Population (Wikipedia)

Reference: Creating Anki Flashcard with Audio and Pictures


  1. Possible translation error: All translation made by Google Translate, some were fixed, some may remain.
  2. Possible inaccurate map: due to inaccurate name or translation.


All contributions are welcome:

  • Read the issues, For the project and do a Pull Request.
  • Request a new issue with creating a New issue with the enhancement tag.
  • Find any kind of errors in the deck and create a New issue with the details or fork the project and do a Pull Request.
  • Suggest an improvement for the deck.
  • Contribution Code of Conduct
