Mido CLI


mido is a simple CLI tool for migration and seeding of Cloudflare Durable Objects across zones or accounts. It helps with transferring data from source to target Durable Objects and for seeding new data.


Install mido globally with npm:

npm install mido -g


Set up your source and target Workers with /dump and /write endpoints for migration:

  • Source Worker: Implements /dump for data retrieval.
  • Target Worker: Offers /write for writing data.

See examples in the /workers directory for source and target workers.


Migrating Durable Objects

Migrate data using:

mido migrate --source [SOURCE_URL] --dest [DEST_URL] --batchSize [BATCH_SIZE] --input [INPUT_FILE]


  • --source, -s: Source DO Worker dump endpoint URL.
  • --dest, -d: Destination DO Worker write endpoint URL.
  • --batchSize, -b: Records per batch (≤ 1000).
  • --input, -i: JSON file with Durable Object IDs.

Seeding Durable Objects

Seed data with:

mido seed --doId [DO_ID] --target [TARGET_URL] --data [DATA_FILE] --batchSize [BATCH_SIZE]


  • --doId, -id: Durable Object ID for seeding.
  • --target, -t: Target DO endpoint URL.
  • --data, -d: JSON file with seed data.
  • --batchSize, -b: Batch size (max 1000).

Best Practices

  • Secure /dump and /write endpoints.
  • Test migration and seeding in staging before production.